No Promises

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Caitlin's POV

I took a shot of alcohol and smiled at our bartender. It's our party night. Iris was sitting next to me, staring in amazement at my ability to not get drunk quickly.

"May we get another rounds but this time, bring an extra one for her?" I winked at Iris and asked to to relax. There are no metahumans here, we are all safe.

It bums me out that she's always worried or looks like she's on the verge of having a panic attack. She smiled and took the shot with me.

She shut her eyes on disgust, I had no choice but the giggle and dragged her to the dance floor with me as the Barry, Cisco and Sarah sat by the bar and was engaged in a serious conversation about Oliver Queen aka the Arrow.

Sarah, Cisco's girlfriend is a tech geek but a really hot one. She's a 5"3 blonde with the cutest dimples I have ever seen. I adore her.

Iris and I both swayed to the music and sang the songs loudly. I noticed Barry continuously staring in our direction. I nodded my head at him and smiled indicating that we are safe. A guy approached me and gave me his number but I'm not here for another number tonight, I'm here to celebrate belonging to no one with one of my best friends. Barry looked like he was about to fight with the guy so I shooed him off.

Sometimes friends hold hands and that's completely fine. What happened with us is fine.

After several more shots, Iris was drunk. Very very wasted and it was hilarious. I assisted her to sit down next to Barry but then she grabbed my face and said "You. You are amazing."

I held her face as well and said "You. You are the most fun person in the club."

She looked genuinely happy and her voice got high when she asked "really?" Her eyes were opened wide and I smiled at her then said "Yes. Really."

A second later, she popped out of her seat and hugged me. "Owww!" Barry winced in pain as she was stepping on his toe.

Cisco and Sarah were dancing on the dance floor. He was twirling her around and she went directly into his arms and blushed. It's amazing that after all this time, they act like it's the very first date they're on.

I look to my right and I see Barry holding Iris with his hands and helping her walk out the door. I took a sip of water and walked over to Cisco to inform them that we're leaving.

I left them both slow dancing and enjoying the presence of each other to open the door for the speedster and his girlfriend.

They escorted me to my car and I hugged them both before I left.

"Maybe we could do this another time?" Barry suggested.

He looked somewhat happy which I found odd because we didn't really hang out tonight.

"Sure" I smiled at him. "Us all" I included.

"Yeah..." He said and stared for a long period of time. He looked as though he was searching for something more in my eyes but I'm sorry Barry Allen, I'm not interested.


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