The Club

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Caitlin's POV


I walked into the club and scanned the room for perhaps a cute dorky guy probably waiting at the bar, dressed in a casual shirt and some dark jeans. And bingo, there was Barry Allen. I mentally pat myself on the back when I realized he fitted my accurate description of himself.

I smiled a little and made my way towards him. "Hey" I said trying to hold back my internal shyness and trying to get into the spirit of falling in love with no one, just living. He accidentally spilled his drink without noticing the wet spot he made on his jeans.

"Now you look that you've wet yourself" I laughed but he continued to stare. I rubbed my hands and cleared my throat, trying to clear up the discomfort that I was now feeling.

Barry's POV

Oh wow. She looked. Oh wow. Her back was showing and I felt the urge to cover it up, her dark brown waves fell perfectly on her shoulder. Her lips were smeared with red lipstick which balanced out her beautiful cream-like skin. It wasn't too much. She was the most beautiful in the club, she looked angelic. Angels shouldn't be dancing in clubs.


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After having a few drinks and ultimately getting tipsy, she escorted me to the dance floor where she didn't allow anyone to touch her but moved her waist to the rhythm of the song. Closing her eyes and letting the music take her away. I guess I was suppose to follow her lead but it was so hard to take my eyes off of her.

"Dance" she said. "Dance like nobody's watching"  Still not willing to dance, she stopped dancing then began doing the chicken. It drew a lot of attention to us but it seemed like she didn't care. I decided to join her, what do we have to loose?

She stopped and began laughing at me saying "oh god, you look ridiculous" tears of joy were escaping through her eyes.

A girl dressed in black approached me, she was light brown with flirtatious eyes. "Care to dance?" she asked me.

Caitlin nodded at me so that I'll say yes but I wasn't going to leave her alone, I asked her to stay close to me. I was never really good at dancing and I've never been with any other girl alone after iris except caitlin so guidance is necessary.

She flung the back of her hands around my neck and started grinding on me and I simply did not know what to do. So I stood there. Emotionless.

I would like to go home now.

I looked over to Caitlin who urged me to dance but I didn't want to dance with some random stranger. Who am I kidding? I don't want to experience the "no attachment" life. I want to go home and watch a movie or hang out with friends.

The girl looked like she was clearly getting into the dancing by the way she started to bite her lips and go lower with her grinding.

No thank you.

Caitlin quickly walked over and us because I was about to lecture that girl on indecency. I feel sexually assaulted.

"Cait, can we go?" I begged but she whispered and tell me to be quiet.

I placed my hands on her waist, I  could feel her back and I could sense that it made her tremble a little. She slowly moved her waist a little which made me follow her lead.

She then pressed her body against mine and we moved in sync. Somehow it was easier to follow her lead.

"You just need to move slow.. slow and steady and you'll get there" she said but I was too caught up in her scent. A scent that I wouldn't mind waking up to the morning.

"Slow and steady" I repeated under my breath

She was beginning to pull away but I tighten my grip so that she stays and she did.


The music got a little more faster and this resulted in her dance moves speeding up in pace. However, I felt like I've gotten enough practice so I responded to her dance moves with surprised her but before I could give her a grand finale, she asked me to dance with someone else.

What the hell.


"The whole point of us attending a club was so that you can dance with some unknown strangers and feel something for them in the moment, some intensity but when you walk out of that club, you forget about them"

I smirked "I danced with a random stranger, I did feel some intense emotions for her such as discomfort and when I walk out of the club, I intend to forget her but..."

She walked outside the washroom so that she could hear me clearly then asked "but?"

"But Cait, when we walk out of here in a few minutes. I will remember you and every moment we spent together. What happens when that happens to someone who "belongs to no one"?"

I rest my hands against the wall, trying to leave little space between us. I look down at her and she looks up at me.

"Don't you get tired of dancing with strangers? Wouldn't it be better if you danced with me for  the rest of your life?"

She scanned my body and bit her lower lip. Taking her time and analyzing every one of my body part. She winked at me and said "you still need more practice."


Raise your hand if you believe Caitlin and Barry should just get together and make wonderful babies. 👐

Also, good luck to all of you who have final exams. Make sure and take care of yourself. Get enough sleep. Remember that studying hard doesn't always result in the best grades, studying smart does. ❤

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