The Deal

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Barry's POV
Could I perhaps be the one to make her settle down? Cait has dated many guys, she's fallen in love several times. It's hard to believe that she may want to make this work with me. But she said that she does so maybe I should give it a try?

Iris interrupted my thoughts as she began speaking loudly while stirring the pasta on the stove.

"Barry, I've been speaking to you for the past ten minutes" she added chicken to the pasta and sighed.

I don't know what I should tell her.

She came and sat down next to me but this time, I felt wrong for having her so close when all I could think about was Caitlin.

Tears formed in Iris eyes "I gave up my job, something I've worked for my entire life. For you. I would have given up everything for you. I still would" she cried softly.

I wrapped my hands around her to bring her some sort of comfort. "I care about you and I would give up everything for you as well."

She smiled weakly "don't you think it blinds us sometimes?"

Trying to understand what she meant, I thought back at everything I've done to save her. Maybe I have given up a few things in order to save her, a life was sacrificed (H.R. Wells) but I don't regret it all. "If you love someone, you should attempt to protect them at all costs" I stated.

"Barry, all you do is want to protect me. It's to the point where I feel like a burden. A burden without an identity. Who is Iris-West? She is a person of her own. She is not just the flash's significant other."

I didn't know she felt that way but it's now obvious now that she mentioned it. It was written on her face that she wanted to pursue journalism and enjoy what she's doing.

"I think you should get back into Journalism" I said supportively.

A weight looked like it was lifted and she smiled but then it quickly faded away "it's not the job, I think we should get some space away from each other"

I gulped, I also wanted space but now that it's happening right now, I'm not so sure about anything.

"Yeah, some space won't be so bad" after those words were said. I'm not sure I heard anything she said.

I was sitting on the swing of the park, looking at the trees and children swinging on the monkey bars.

Someone came and sat down next to me "hey" she said.  I already knew it was Cait. I continued looking at the children playing with each other and giggling.

"I heard what happened between you and Iris"

"She wanted to search for her identity, it made me think about mine" I said.

She also looked at the children laughing and running down each other.

"Perhaps identities are always changing and its hard to find a solid definition to describe a person..but I think that's how it should be."

I stared at the brunette beauty and admired her free spirit. Her ability to love the uncertainty of who she is but I like some sort of foundation. Something stable.

She smiled at me "but you like stability" which made me surprised. This is quite interesting, I've caught the attention of the great Dr.Snow.

"Here's what, let's make a deal. I'll teach you to enjoy uncertainty and you'll show me to enjoy stability." She extended her hand to shake mine.

Curious as to how she will make me enjoy the 'wild' life, the life where I belong to no one, I extended my hand and shook it.

"Great" she smirked.

"You, me, party tonight" she added.

I instantly regret this deal.


Now here's where the story will get interesting. 🤗

Settle- SnowBarry/FlashFrostWhere stories live. Discover now