The Kiss

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Caitlin's POV
"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" He basically growled at me.

Showing no signs of fear, I picked up my phone and saw two missed calls from him. Two.

Eli got up quickly, "you're friends with the flash?" And stared in disbelief.

I laughed bitterly "I won't say friends, more like associates" then stared at a clearly pissed off Flash.

The Flash stared at Eli and said him "the beach is one of her least favourite places, considering her father drowned in the ocean and she hates looking at the stars because you can barely see them with all the air pollution".

My faced instantly got red and looked down.

I couldn't bare to see the look on Eli' s face. He was just trying to do something nice.

"Also, I need to borrow her for the rest of the night" he continued and pulled me closer to him.

I gently pushed him away and thanked Eli for a wonderful night. Held his hands and told him how much I appreciated it. Trying to convince him that he tried and I loved everything that he did because it took effort.

"I'd love to hang out again sometime" I said giving him a reassuring smile. I could sense Barry's anger but I chose to ignore it. Eli smiled and nodded. He was about to lean in for a kiss before Barry picked me up and carried me to some park.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I shouted He took off his mask and walked closer to me, still dripping wet which dampen my clothing.

"And why are so wet?" I said in the same tone.

"I tried calling you to tell you that-"

I opened my eyes wide "wait, were you in the ocean spying on Eli and I?" And slowly walking backwards, implying that his actions were crazy.

He stopped walking towards me "Star labs might have had a little fire incident and the water came on"

His statement was very vague and I find it hard to believe that the fastest man alive couldn't stop the fire before the water came on but I'll agree. "Is everyone okay?" I asked.

"Yeahh they are"

So? Why am I in a park?

"So, why am I here? In the night..." I trailed off.

He analyzed me which made me very self conscious.

"Barry. I like Eli, he-"

I walked over and sat down while I was explaining my emotions towards Eli.

Does he have any respect? Do f*ck boys have respect?

He patted the seat for me to sit next to him and I stared at him.

What the actual hell is wrong with Barry Allen.

"Did you kiss him?" He queried and I replied "yes" with confidence. Keeping my head high with pride written all over it.

He half-smiled and said "good" while I walked over to sit next to him and looked at the opposite direction.

Slowly, he pulled me in for a kiss and it felt as though my muscles lost all its strength. My heart rate accelerated and all I wanted was claiming his lips and his lips alone.

"Do you understand now?" He says, trying to calm himself down from our kiss. He closed his eyes and let our foreheads touch each other while he cupped my face.

He continued "No matter how much I kiss her, I can never feel what I feel for you. I know you feel it too and-" he moved his hands to my waist to pull me tighter "Eli could never make you feel that way". This was a move to show the power he has over me but not tonight, Barry Allen.

I moved closer towards him and sat on his lap. Then slowly kissed him, using up all his breath, making sure he'll remember this kiss for the next couple weeks. When he's really getting into the kiss, I gather all my courage to stop and got up from his lap.

"I don't want to be compared to your other kisses. If you're going to kiss me, I want to be the only one you kiss."

I turned the other direction and glided away on ice, leaving him there panting for his breath and trying to process what just happened.

I am yet to watch tonight's episode of the Flash but I know that the WestAllen wedding is tonight so I wrote this part for you gorgeous humans. Stay strong, SnowBarry fam 😘❤

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(Also, I feel like the attached photo describes anyone who ships SnowBarry)

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