Missing Person

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Barry's POV
I woke up to the sight of the most beautiful woman in the entire world.

Her body was curled up against mine and it felt like I had everything I could have ever asked for in life.

I knew that even if she didn't want to believe it, she belongs with me and only me.

"Sometimes possibilities are right in front of us but we choose not to see them" I remembered saying that to her.

She was the possibility and I may not have been ready to accept that at the moment but now I am.

"Mm" she moved a little in the bed then slowly opened her eyes.

"Hi there" I said softly while moving the few strands of hair from her face.

"Heyy" she said and looked up at me, smiling.

This is a different. I generally don't wake up in the same bed as Cait but it doesn't feel wrong.

She analyzed the position we were in but she surprisingly didn't pull away. Instead, she stayed and allowed my hands to stay around her waist.

I'm going to kiss you, Cait. If it feels wrong then you can pull away and tell me to not make a move but I want to try.

I lift her face and kissed her lips.

Caitlin's POV
He caught me a little off guard but I wanted this. I kissed him back.

I can feel some of my walls breaking down. It's scary but he's worth it.

He pulled me closer towards him and I kissed him a little harder than I did before.

In between kisses he asked "will, you, go, on, a, date, with, me?"

My cheeks turned instantly red as I realized that I was on top of him while he asked me out.

He must have noticed my embarrassment from moving a little too fast because he leaned up and kissed me assuring me that it's okay.

As I was about to move one of my legs over him to go back on my side, he held it down and smirked "I didn't say I wasn't a fan of this position"

This made me blush even more but he seemed to enjoy it. 

"Yes" I mumbled.

"So it's a date" he said and smiled.

My cellphone began ringing so I hopped off the bed and ran towards the phone.

I heard Barry groan and silently cursed the person who interrupted our moment.

Caller ID: Cisco

"Hey Cisco, whats up?"

"Hey, so remember you asked me to look into Eli?"

I looked at Barry who was on the bed and excused myself to go to the bathroom.

"Yeah, whatd you find out?"

"Well he isn't a meta but something surprising came up, he has a son who when missing on the night of the particle accelerator explosion."

Before Cisco could finish, I told him that Barry and I will come at S.T.A.R. Labs to meet him.

We were there within 3 mins and found Cisco and Iris working together and trying to find information on Eli.

Iris blurted out "that son of a bitch is obsessed with you!" while looking at the footage from my house. Eli's son has the same figure as the person who was in my house.

She noticed Barry and I then hugged me.

He walked over to Cisco and within a couple seconds, he said that he was going to pay Eli a little visit.

Before I could tell him to be safe, he left.

"So when was he last seen?" I asked.

Iris stated that he was helping his dad with a time traveling experiment but the formula used was incorrect causing him so much pain that he might have died but when the accelerator exploded, his body disappeared.

Cisco looked at her confused then excused himself.

She looked really worried about me so I comforted her.

General POV

Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Labs to the sound of Iris screaming Caitlin's name while Cisco tried to get up from broken glass.

There was someone's blood on the floor but Iris wasn't bleeding neither was Cisco.

His eyes turned blood red then asked for Caitlin.

"Where is she?" he asked coldly trying to hold back his rage for person who took her.

"Gone" Cisco said weakly.

Barry cuffed the wall.

"Anyone who hurts her will pay"


What do you think happened to Caitlin? 😭

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