The Hero

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Barry's POV
I barged into the basement door to find the love of my life unconscious on the floor with Iris putting a gun in her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Clueless as to what was happening. I saw blood oozing out of Caitlin's head. Cisco blasted Iris making her fall to the ground and tied her hands together.

What is happening ?!?!


I lifted her up and started shaking her body "CAITLIN! GET UP!" I cried.

The cuffs around her! They're preventing her from becoming killer frost!

I started vibrating my hand to cut through the cuffs and it worked.

"Please wake up" I said while holding her body and shaking it.

I need you to be there for me. I can surely save the city but I need you to save me.

General POV

Barry was cradling Caitlin's body, rubbing her forehead which was covered in blood and crying.

He was stroking her hair and telling her the things he wished he told her before.

None of those words were "I love you"

Cisco stood next to Iris, holding her hands together with tears escaping his eyes as well.

All he could have done was look down. Looking down in shame of not being able to stop them quick enough.

"What did you do, Iris?" Cisco whispered to her.

She was calmn for a little while before she began fighting to escape Cisco. She fought and fought while screaming "I AM COMING CAITLIN. LET ME GO! I HAVE TO DIE WITH HER! I LOVE HER!"

All eyes were on her then she dropped her knees to the ground and cried.

"I love her" she cried again.

She started breathing heavily then looked up to them both who had judgemental eyes.

Rage came over her face "YOU DON'T KNOW HER!" She shouted with all her might then stared at Barry.

"She was so in love with you." She spat out.

"I even entered a relationship with you so she can realize my attempts to be in a relationship with her but she never saw me as anything more than a friend."

"I was willing to give her everything" Iris said in a soft tone with confused eyes which were seeking a answer that she can't seem to find 'why wasn't she good enough?'

Barry, still holding Caitlin's body could not believe that all this time, Iris faked their relationship.

That's why she was always irritated at him whenever Caitlin was around. She got into a relationship with him, after he met Caitlin.

Is that why she was at her house?

Cisco, however did not seem to be surprised. He continued holding her hands and looked away from the entire scene.

Maybe if he had told Barry that the story of Eli's son becoming a metahuman wasn't on any police folder/file or article and the fact that Iris knew the story meant that she was part of the strange activities happening.

His best friend is dead before him while one of his other friends is responsible for her death. Perhaps, just like Barry, his heart is broken.

Barry didn't look angry anymore, he closed his eyes and prayed.

The human with powers, was now sitting on the ground with his hands covered in blood and tears running down his eyes was now praying in hopes that someone dear to him would return.

It proves that no matter who you are or what you are, love has the power to find a way into your heart and destroy your life.


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