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Caitlin's POV
Cisco smiled and greeted us good morning. We came up with an excuse as to why we couldn't attend work, it was obviously due to 'mental health' issues. Nothing other than that which included physical activities. I laughed nervously.

We couldn't lock Iris up in a cell throughout her life. We couldn't so Joe proposed that she should be under house arrest with an ankle monitor. Apart from house arrest, she would have two cops outside her house, monitoring her. Her father is one of the best cops in Central City so protection should be the least of their problems. Well, Caitlin's problems.

Frequent meetings with a therapist and writing down her experiences should help her overcome her acts and obsession.

The day just started and it already feels like a heavy weight have been placed on my shoulders. I exhaled and tried to focus on better things. Things to look forward to and new beginnings. Wait! Cisco's wedding!

"Cisco! When's the wedding?!" His face got a little brighter than it was before and he reassured us that it will be within 3-4 months. He claimed that Sarah wanted a little more time to plan the wedding but you can tell on his face that he was still sad over what happened.

Barry must have noticed when I looked down because he stood up an suggested that we go to a little party later.

I smiled because he knew how much I loved parties but I don't know. Something changed within me. I didn't want to party right now but I didn't mind playing laser tag with them and having dinner after.

"Yes!" Cisco replied to my idea.

Barry slightly tilt his head and looked at me "Caitlin Snow refusing the opportunity to party with me?" He fake gasped causing me to roll my eyes.

"Ha ha" I said blatantly and bored.

Cisco quickly supported his statement "no, it is truly unique sight to see you turn down a party, what happened to the Caitlin we used to know?" He asked dramatically.

"You guys are funny" I said before softly punching Cisco. Barry looked at me eagerly waiting for a response implying that he was actually serious about his question.

"I-" before I could finish, I was interrupted by Wells & Wally who rushed towards me and hugged me. Wells squeezed me tight and gently raised me off the ground.

I didn't need to look at Barry to feel the hard gaze he was giving Wells. Wally scanned me to make sure I was healthy and happy.

After they left to train, Cisco, Barry & I went to play the laser tag but surprisingly, there were no other teams. I smirked at them.

"Every man for himself?" Cisco asked.

Barry used his speed to shoot both of us with his laser gun and shouted "Every man for himself!" then ran away.

I quickly used my powers to freeze Cisco's feet to the ground, shot him and ran away.

"Hey! That was cold and cruel!" He screamed behind me.

I giggled and ran to attack Barry Allen.

BOOM! I saw Barry's gun blow up due to Cisco's blast and he ran behind a dark cloth.

"You're paying for the gun!" Barry shouted at Cisco.

I shouted "the loser pays for all the damaged materials in the room!"

"Good" Barry whispered in my ears, kissed my cheek and stole my laser gun. Before he can escape, I threw an icicle at him, pinning his shirt to a wall and taking back my gun.

Cisco quickly jumped out of a breach and tripping me and blowing up my gun as well.

Barry and I quickly looked at each other knowing that one of us would lose, so I got up and kissed him, sucking the heat from his body but not fully.

"Wooohoo!" Cisco cheered. "We just beat the Flash's ass!" We high fived and Barry vibrated and regained his consciousness.

He walked straight towards me, "can I lose again? And again?"

My cheeks heated up knowing that he wanted to kiss me again and again.


Hi guys. I literally just signed on wattpad in a long time! I know the last part would have felt like an ending to most of you but the story traditionally has about 2/3 more parts left.

Also! I signed in as saw that the story got about 5 rankings under several tags (flashfrost, Barry Allen, caitlinsnow etc.) which is insane! Thank you so much. ❤❤❤

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