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Caitlin's POV 

I walked into work with a scarf around my neck and a hot cup of coffee. My throat is definitely sore from all the alcohol and shouting I did last night to speak to Barry amongst the music and loud crowd. 

He clearly did grasp the idea of dancing and no talking. More doing, less talking. 

There he was, perfectly normal, practicing his fighting with Wally. I rolled my eyes and walked to my lab. Surprisingly, Iris was sitting inside my lab on a chair. "hey" she said nervously. 

"Hiiii" I said trying to cover up the fact that I kissed Barry more than once. "I need to ask you something." she said which made my palms start sweating. 

I pulled a chair and sat down next to her then reached for a tissue to wipe a drop of sweat dripping down her forehead. I have never seen her in this condition before. Now genuinely concerned about her I asked her whats wrong. 

"I'm going back into journalism and I would like to do a story on you" 

Completely lost for words, I nodded. Anything to help her. "Wait, what about me?" I asked.

She looked down at her hands and said "Just your life excluding the whole 'killer frost' aspect. I think you could inspire some women"

A little confused as to how I would inspire many people, I still agreed. She seems like she's hiding something from me. "Iris? I kissed Barry" I said softly. 

She smiled a little and said that Barry told her what happened. A sense of guilt came over me.

"It's fine really, now that i've excluded myself from the romantic aspect of his life. I don't think he was really my type" she said biting her lower lip. 

Now i'm beyond confused. Barry came into the room, completely interrupting her conversation. He has this geeky smile plastered over his lips which made my heart warm. 

"I was speaking to her" Iris said bluntly and Barry just as puzzled as me apologized. 

She sighed and apologized to him then excused herself from the room before thanking me again. 

"What's her deal?" Barry said which make me playfully slap him on his shoulder and told him to be kind. The dorky smile came back on his face.

"Why so jolly, Allen?" 

"So i've been thinking about what you said last night" 

I stopped him instantly "When you say 'last night', you're actually referring to like approximately 4 hours ago". This seemed to make him laugh and poke my cheek and saying "oh you" 

Maybe, i'm sleep deprived or have everyone gone crazy today. 

He pulled out a sing flower from behind his back and gave it to me. "Last night/this morning  was amazing and I enjoyed every moment. You just made me want to settle down with you more but I've decided to do what you say because, in the end, I am going to be with you." 

I rest down my head on the table and closed my eyes. "Mhmm" I replied and fell asleep. 

Barry's POV

I lifted her up and ran to her home so that she can sleep peacefully on her bed. Iris was sitting on her stairs. What is going on ? 


Guys, i'm soo sorry for the late update. 

Also, what do you think Iris is hiding?  

Settle- SnowBarry/FlashFrostWhere stories live. Discover now