True Colours

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Barry's POV
It's been two days since I've spoke to Caitlin. Why won't she just speak to me? I know I should have broken up with Iris. I know. I know. I like her. I really like her. No, I love her. Perhaps it's more like than love.

"Hey Caitlin, can you test my heart rate?" Cisco asked.

She looked at him and laughed "Are you going to ask Sara's dad for permission to engage her?"

He smiled "you remembered?"

Both of them are confusing me.

"Of course. You're my best friend. I've been waiting for this." She walked over and hugged him.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them and her smile instantly faded. Is that the effect I have on her now? Clearing her throat, releasing her arms from him and initating eye contact with him.

Cisco brushed it off and explained that when he met Sara, he promised that in 4 years if they're still together, he will marry her. He had a dorky smile on his face revealing what a hopeless romantic he is.

Shocked but happy for him, I hugged him and told him congratulations.

Caitlin's POV
"Hey Caitlin, you can come with Iris and I to the wedding" Barry suggested and this annoyed me.

Why the hell would I want to go with him and Iris.

The audacity this speedster has.

"No thanks, Barry. I promised myself that I would avoid shitty people. You, my friend is the definition of shit."

I rolled my eyes then focused my attention to Cisco, not trying to ruin the mood.

"Are you nervous?" I smiled at him, ignoring Barry.

"What's going on between you guys?" Cisco asked. "Is it because you guys kissed a couple nights ago?"

I opened my eyes wide and tried to tell Cisco to be quiet. Barry looked infuriated. "YOU TOLD HIM?!" he shouted.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me" I threatened.

Suddenly Cisco phone began ringing, Sara was calling and he walked outside to answer it. "Be nice to eachother"

I'm not going to stand here and be scolded at by some f*ck boy who can't seem to know the definition of loyalty.

He grabbed my waist and pushed his lips against me but I pushed him off.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed while wiping my lips.

"You are what's wrong with me! I was happy living my life, I got the girl of my dreams, I have super powers and you just waltz into this room every morning, making me want to change my plans. You make me believe that what I have, maybe, isn't what I needed all along"

I sighed.

How long are we going to this? Maybe he does feel the same way about me but it isn't enough for him to walk away from her.

My heart dropped knowing that I'm not good enough. I tried to control my breathing and I did. I feel helpless as though everything inside of me is empty.

Crying wasn't an option anymore because it doesn't heal the damage that he caused me. That I caused myself.

There was pity in his eyes and I could sense that he truly was sorry but why lead me on if you're going to leave me?


Guys/Girls, remember that you are good enough okay ♡

Settle- SnowBarry/FlashFrostWhere stories live. Discover now