The One Percent

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Caitlin's POV
I took off my dress, entered the bathtub and closed my eyes while laying down in warm water.

All my muscles relaxed and everything seemed so serene. Sometimes with all the crime-fighting, I tend to forget the beauty in life.

I held my breath and went under the water. Where my thoughts are submerged and i'm forced not to think about anything else except the warmth of the water, touching my skin.

A quiet, Barry-free area, no bad gu-


It sounded like an explosion.

I grabbed the closest thing I could find which was a start labs t shirt and a shorts and ran out the house to find my neighbours house on fire.

Using my freeze breath, I froze the exterior of the house while Barry arrived at the scene and took out the victims.

In a matter of seconds, the house was on fire again. We both looked around the house to find a man in flames shooting balls of fire at the house.

Is it?..

No, it couldn't be.


Barry quickly attacked him?

Doesn't he recognize that its Ronnie?

I intervined the fight. Barry had a few bruises on his face while Ronnie looked like he got a broken rib.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted

Ronnie hesistated but answered with a question "Who are you?"

I didn't know if to cry or to be angry at him.

He fainted. 

Isn't it Ronnie? Why does he look like Ronnie?

Trembling at the very thought of seeing him, he's supposed to be dead. Only things like these made me shiver. 

Barry wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug "It'll be okay, Cait"

His words sounded so reassuring, and i'm tempted to believe them. To believe in him, again. 

Tempted to believe that perhaps he could possibly be there for me but at the same time, he's Barry Allen. His story writes "Barry and Iris" and I don't want to be forced fed their love story again. 

I weakly hugged back, giving into his hug right now. Give into someone who I can see a future with. 

You're going to break my heart, Barry Allen but there's this one percent. This one percent where I believe that you won't. 

It's easy to say that I don't want to have anything to do with you, it's easy to find someone new, it's easy to avoid you and it's easy to support you with whoever you're with because i'm cold. Coldness is a part of me but when i'm not cold. When i'm that one percent and the emotions come rushing in, you're all I want to constantly plan my future with. 

"It isn't, Ronnie. Can it be a shapeshifter?" I asked Barry, trying to avoid my thoughts. 

He kissed my forehead and walked over to the "shapeshifter" to carry him to star labs. Within seconds, he came back to carry me in the lab. My phone started ringing, Eli was calling.

Perhaps, I should move on to someone new or maybe, just maybe he'll realize that he means everything to me. 

I put my phone on silent and went to the labs. 


I know it's not Saturday but I wanted to do something a little extra ❤ Hope y'all enjoy it ❤

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