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Caitlin's POV
I walked straight out of star labs and onto the streets. Tears strolled down my cheeks as I remembered how I allowed him to get to me. I allowed him to kiss me and get into my head, changing my perspective of him.

Why do the ones who claim they want us always seem to hurt us in the most horrible way?

Why does he make me cry? He doesn't love me. You don't hurt the people you love.

He's not in love with me and I tend to forget that, he just wants me as part of his collection. The fact that he can't have me makes him want me.

As my tears rolled down my eyes, they turned into ice and rage took over me.

How can I give him permission to kiss me? He doesn't love me. Im not mad at anyone else but myself. I started creating icicles and throwing attacking the air. Creating ice wherever I walked and surrounding myself with snow with the intention of freezing my heart.

What happened to my gypsy stage? How can a gypsy fall in love with one who is the ideal definition of selfish?

You want me but you want her.

Does he know how it feels when I look at him and all I see is her? I smile, not because I am happy but because he's happy. You can't deny that Barry loves Iris because he does. He loves her more than any girl he has ever loved before.

Maybe that's what makes it so hard. Loving someone for such a long time and planning your future with them. You've been there when their parents have died, when you had no one else to rely on, when all you wanted to do was give up. They were that voice that kept you going, they had that light in their eyes that would instantly change your mood.

You would do anything to hold onto that person. You would go back in time, go to the future, lose your mind and most importantly, lose yourself.

For once, when I look into Barry, I want to see him as a person. Who is Barry Allen? Who is the man that I chose to spend my life defending and help saving Central City or even the world?

I started wiping my lips to get rid of taste of his mouth on mine.

It wasn't coming off which made me angry so I rubbed my lips hard and harder.

"Get off! Get off!!!" I shouted to myself.

All the strength in my knees got weak and I fell on the pavement. More tears started exiting my eyes, the ice dropped and the atmosphere now felt warm.

I put my head on my knees and wrapped my hands around them. Shaking but telling myself to calm down.

Calm down, Caitlin. It will be okay. It will always be okay. You are strong, you are beautiful and you are worthy of happiness.

I tried controlling my breathing and closed my eyes. Trying to remember the life beyond a heart break.

Someone touched my shoulders, wrapped their hands around me. Somehow, I felt a sense of security but uneasiness at the same time.

I looked up, "Eli?"


Please don't kill me, Eli might be a good guy

Once again, thank you all for voting ^-^

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