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Barry's POV 

Her hair was wet while I was running with her back to the labs. I held onto her waist and jammed her body against my chest for her security. 

I looked up to scan her facial expression and she was smiling. Looking at everything flying by so fast gave her a thrill. It made my heart a little soft, I couldn't help it. She wrapped her hands around my neck coming closer to the cars and somehow her eyes became locked onto mine.

Her heart was beating three times as faster than usual and this made me slow down my running.  Mainly because I needed to catch my breath as well. 

Finally, I reached to star-labs and searched for everyone. It was around 10pm so I guess no one has arrived as yet. So it was just me and her?

Thoughts from that night still plagued me "what did she mean when she said that speed and ice was all she ever thought about for a period of time?" 

I analysed her, she tried pulling down her shirt a little more to hide her shorts. 

"I have an extra pair of track pants if you would like to feel more comfortable?" I suggested, realizing her embarrassed expression. I quickly said "not that anything is wrong with your clothes. I think they look great on you" I opened my eyes wide but added "Not implying that it's the clothes that make you look great because you're naturally perfect" 

Oh god, how do I reverse this. You're such an idiot. 

She blushed and laughed a little "Thanks Barry, I think you're perfect as well" Her cheeks instantly turned red "Not perfect but according my definition of an ideal guy, you meet all the qualifications making you the most ideal guy I know". She placed her palm on her forehead.

"Can we erase what just happened?" she asked while sitting down on one of the lab chairs. 

"Where's the Ronnie-look-alike?" 

"He's locked up" I replied and sitting next to her. She looks confused but sad so I held one of her hands. She refused to hold back one of my hands so I squeezed her palm a little but she tried pulling away and after a few seconds, she gave in.

Surprisingly, she rested her head on my shoulder. I don't want to ruin my relationship with her but I can't resist holding her in this moment where she needs someone. 

As I was about to lift her head up to speak to her, she buried her head on my chest implying that she didn't want to speak. 

You're making me go wild and there's only so much that I can hold back, Cait. I lowered my head so that it touches hers and right there, right now. This is all I want. 

I lift her head up to see her face, her eyes look teary as though she's holding back tears, her lips look soft, my god, she's so beautiful. 

I leaned down and kissed her on her lips and she reciprocated. Responding to every one of my passionate kisses. We both stepped down from the chairs without breaking contact and I pulled her closer against my body. My hands began to wander under her clothes, touching her back which appeared to drive her crazy because she gasped a little then let her hands stray, touching my abs. 

I want her, right now. 


Happy Saturday Ya'll :) 

Settle- SnowBarry/FlashFrostWhere stories live. Discover now