I Am

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Caitlin's POV
It's all happening so quickly but I want it to happen. He kissed my neck and I held on tight onto his skin because he's arrived at my weak spot. His hands reached my bra and he unbuckled it. I never knew that his kisses can make me sink into his arms. I wanted to push away, I wanted to tell him that its not the right place, time and what about Iris?

"Barry" I managed to whisper while still allowing him to claim my body.

Barry's POV
Does she not realize that she makes me weak and while whispering, she's pushing me more and more. I take off my shirt hoping this would convince her that I know what im doing. Looking into her eyes and pulling her closer to me. She's standing there in her shorts, t shirt and now.. no bra under her shirt and the very thought of that is driving me wild.

Tell me that you can't resist me either, tell me that you want this as much as I do. Tell me and I'll make it work.

She kissed me softly on my lips and whispered for us to go to her apartment.

"Barry? Caitlin?" a voice shouted.

Our eyes opened wide forgetting that we asked the others to come in to deal with the whole "Ronnie" situation.

I quickly put on back her bra, my shirt and since I'm doing all this in a flash, might as well use this to my advantage and kiss her weak spot, reminding her that im yet to be finished with her.

Cisco walked into the room and gave a little wave "um hi? didn't anyone of you hear me calling?"

Caitlin cleared her throat and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Ohh, im sorry, we were caught up on what we.. experienced" she bit her lip and looked at the floor.

Exactly how can she go from sexy to the cutest person I know. I smiled at her and apologized to Cisco who were staring at us quizically.

"Ohhh alrighttt" he said, unsure if to believe us.

Iris walked in the room as well, "hey, is everything okay?"

She looked like she went out "where have you been?"

She sighed "just out with a couple friends to get a drink, Barry"

Believing her was always a difficult task. I got slightly angry "do I know these friends?" I asked in a slightly irritated tone.

Cisco walked out the room and Caitlin was leaving. "Wait" I told her and held onto her wrist.

"I think it's better that I leave" she whispered, still looking down.

This took me by surprise and I let go of her hand.

"Is everything okay between you two?" Iris asked.

Caitlin looked up at her "I messed up.. but I'm hoping that Barry and I can move pass this mistake and return to how things were before" . Then she left

The statement was very vague and the fact that she dismissed her feelings for me.. does she even have them for me?

Iris stared at her leaving then back at me.

She walked away without even looking back. But she didn't just walked out from the lab, she walked out of the lab.

My feet felt glued to the lab and I was face to face with Iris.

I'm sorry, Caitlin. I really am.


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