Bacon & Eggs

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Caitlin's POV
I turned over to lie down on my side and I saw Barry Allen next to me. I stared at him for a while, treasuring every moment I had with him and wishing it'd never stop.

I went a little closer to him but my movement must have woke up him. He slightly opened his eyes and smiled. "Good morning babe" in his husky morning voice. " I returned his smile and told him good morning.

He scanned the sheet on my body and I tried burying my face on the pillow, blushing and knowing that I didn't have on any clothing under the sheets.

He moved the hair from my face, lifted my head then gently placed a kiss on my lips then pulled me closer so that I was touching his bare body.

For a moment I forgot that he didn't have on any clothing as well.

"I'm familiar with your body, ms snow" he smirked.

I focused my eyes on his, trying to figure out his thoughts. 

"Yet every single time that I come in contact with it, it makes me weak in my knees. You really don't know the effect you have on me" he said almost teary eyed.

What do you call it when you want more of someone but not in a obsessive way. You want to change 'having sex' into 'making love' because with him, it's not just for pleasure, it's something more. You want to do the simplest things with them such a grocery shopping. It's strange to me because I don't have to speak to him all the time but I appreciate his presence. It's love but it also feels like something deeper than love. I don't know.

I turned over on my back and looked up at the ceiling.

"You?" I said.

Continuing my statement "you make me want to settle with you in some small neighbour hood, watching our kids-"

I stopped speaking, realizing what I was saying.

I could feel his eyes on me but I dare not look in his direction. Thankfully my phone rang at the same time.

"Good morning, Dr. Snow speaking", I said in a professional tone.

He got out of bed to make us breakfast while I was still on the phone with one of my collegues from starling city.

After finishing the call, I walked in the kitchen to find him making pancakes, bacon and eggs.

My jeans couldn't even fit last week! He's making me gain more weight by the day.

Living with him for the past 4 months has been filled with tons of food and also the happiest time of my life.

Next week is Cisco's wedding so I'm hoping to get a dress today.

"Babyyy, you're making me gain weight for Cisco's wedding"

He smiled sweetly and replied "you gain weight in all the right places don't worry"

I laughed and assisted him in the kitchen. He may be the fastest man alive but he should be sued for the terrible eggs that he makes.

The fumes from the bacon suddenly made me sick. I ran to throw up.

While throwing up, I got a little dizzy then everything became blank.


Hey! Yes! If you read the story then you know it has a time jump of 4 months and a week before Cisco's wedding!

Hope you enjoyed it 😊❤💙

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