And ?

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Barry's POV

After I paid for all the damage done at the laser tag game area, we were all pretty tired and hungry so we decided to eat a late lunch instead of going to dinner.

It was filled with many questions of Cisco asking about our 'relationship'. He instantly assumed that we were in a relationship because of our kissing and me asking to me kissed again. He argued that he could have  predicted that we would get into a relationship eventually.

I held her hand under the table causing her smile and look down. She's so pure and innocent.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and giggled at Cisco arguing that he doesn't want to wear black at his wedding.

While talking about Sarah and how he won't be able to stop crying when she's walking down the isle, all I could picture was Cait walking down the isle.

Would she smile, would she be nervous or would she blush throughout the entire ceremony.

"What about you Barry, would you wear black to your wedding?" Her eyes shot up as he asked the question.

"Umm, I don't know. I haven't really thought about it" I replied. I lied. I would wear a navy blue suit, white shirt and navy blue shoes. She can wear any colour that she desired. I would prefer if she wears something with blue and white but with a pinch of red.

Blue is a part of her, killer frost is a part of her and I can't wait to promise my life to her. All of her. Killer Frost saved Caitlin. Killer Frost is Caitlin.

Caitlin looked at me worried and squeezed my hand under the table. "I'm actually really tired guys, I'm going to to home and get some rest"

Cisco stood up and stated that he had to go meet Sarah so he would catch up with us tomorrow.

"It was nice hanging out with you guys today, we should do it more often" she grinned and stood up and hugged him before he left.

"What about me?" I pouted.

"What about you?" She asked and laughed.

"Don't I get a hug?" I said in the most calming tone possible.

She laughed again then we walked outside, after paying our section of the bill.

"You can get a hug and a kiss" she suggested. She leaned in a kiss my lips then started pulling away. She stopped her and pulled her closer, kissing her with more passion and pressing her body onto mine.

After a minute or so, she pulled away and leaned her forehead onto mine. "It's you and I" I whispered. "Can we give this a shot?"

She nodded her head as I reached down for her hand to walk home.

"Babe, I really have to go home to get my clothes and stuff" she protested knowing that I was gonna carry her back to my apartment.

"You can't stay there alone, Cait" I sighed.

She touched my face and reassured me that she will be fine but I can't help but worry about her.

"Move in with me" I said without thinking. It's the right move to do. I can protect her and keep her safe.

"What?" she stepped back a little.

I went closer "I'm serious. Move in with me. It's more secure and we can be together."

Am I crazy or is this smart?

Caitlin closed her eyes "Babe, you won't get to be with me all the time. I will have to do things on my own" she said softly.

I don't want her to be alone. I want to be with her.

Before I could speak, she said that she wants to get training to become better. "I understand that you want to protect me but I need to feel safe even if I'm alone. I want to be my own hero first Barry Allen but, I will move in with you because I still need training and."

"And?" I asked

"And I love you."

I smiled and gave her a small peck on her lips before going to her apartment to collect her things.


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