Chapter 5.

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"What are you doing in here kassanthmas?" I say I shame at the image unfolding before me.

Louis looks at the floor with shame.

"Eleanor you need to understand, Louis dosen't love you!" I laugh not only was my friend being at total bitch but no this, tears running down my face.

"Really? Louis dosen't love me! Of course you would know. I now know he doesn't but you know what bitch!" I threw the high heels at her and made sure it hit her in the face.

"Keep him!" I stormed downstairs and got in Danielle's car. Only to have Danielle nudging me with questions.

"What's wrong el?" She asked patting my back.

"Nothing please drive me to my flat. please." She nodded and drove me home. I didn't even wait for the car to stop before I jumped out and sprinted to my door, Behind me I heard Danielle's heels slapping against the floor along with her yelling.

"El!" I could hear her struggling to catch up to me. I didn't really care what was happening around me right now, All I wanted to do was die.

"Eleanor!" I run upstairs and immediately jump onto my bed and cry into my pillow. I hear Danielle coming upstairs.

"Eleanor what happened?" I barely could hear her through my muffled chokes that we're coming out of me.

"He is a player Danielle!" I nearly scream at her.

"What do you mean?"

"I found him making love to kassanthmas" I choke on my on words. Danielle gets up and leaves to go downstairs and later comes back with a glass of water. I take it from her and sip the water. The cool water felt nice sliding down my sore throat.

"Okay, now that your calmed down please explain to me what your talking about?" I look at her and sigh as I sit up and place my elbows on my legs.

"He played me Danielle I walk to my best friends apartment, you heard me my BEST friend and I find her fucking my boyfriend." As I repeat all that just happened in less then 2 minutes I begin to feel the tears coming back. Danielle reading my mind motion me to give her a hug and do as told.

"It's okay el you are way too good for him you deserve better."

I probably do deserve better, I probably don't but all I know is I love Louis and I want him. But my in counter with him has changed the way I look at him I will never be able to look at him the same way, The man I first loved is now with someone else. I get up and get startled when I see my own reflection in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot my cheeks a messy pink and my hair went from perfect to a total mess in less than 2 minutes. I laugh at myself, what a coincidence my life turned into a sudden mess in less than 2 minutes.

"Please don't let this bring you down el, you're too good for him and I kinda saw this coming" I flinched.

"What do you mean you saw it coming" making air qoutes on the saw. I stare at danielle all the color of her face seemed to be drained out of her.

"What is it?" I was losing my patients with her and I doubt thats what she wants right now.



"I saw louis with her a few weeks ago in the park I didnt want to tell you anything because I just wanted to make sure of things. It could have been anyone but after I saw him kiss her I knew something going on."

I stare at her. She knew all along and she didn't tell me. I couldn't help but feel disgusted in her now. She knew how much I wanted to have a future with Louis and didn't do anything about it.

"get out"

"el i tried to protect y-"


she looks at me and then at the floor slowly standing up from the bed. "im sorry el" was all she said before she closed the door behind her. I needed to rest. Too much was happening right now my best friend betraying me correction BOTH my best friends betraying me, my SO loyal boyfriemd cheating on me and then there is me. I betrayed me for not paying closer attention to what louis was doing, For thinking I could actually fall in love with him and him fall in love with me. Of course the way the movies say it It was too good to be true.

I awoke to pounding I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.

"Eleanor please open the door"I immediately knew who's voice it was. I pretended to be back asleep and tried to ignore Louis pounding on the door. Minutes later I hear the door open.

He must have found the key under the mat. Shit.

"El, I know you're not asleep"I sigh and sit up.

"What do you want Louis? What could you possiably want with me. Do you want to break me again? I'm sorry Louis but to your disappointment I have nothing left in me anymore to be broken. You broke all of me, you tore me to pieces and there is nothing you can do to fix me and if you still care for me just a tad bit you would leave NOW!"

"El please. I love you but as a friend."

What the actual fuck.

"Seriously Louis seriously you had me believing you actually loved me and we even made love to each other I gave my virginity to you and you only tell me you like me as a friend? What the fuck is your problem" My language I'm using right now isn't the way I would normally speak and to be honest with myself I'm pissed and I don't really care .

"You were the first man I loved and you just love me as a friend. Louis why didn't you tell me you could have prevented me from all " I said while waving my hands around.

"I'm sorry Eleanor but it's not like I had much of a choice."

I shake my head I'm about to literally explode.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE?" I nearly threw the lamp that was beside me at him.


All the words I have always received from people all make sense now.

He's being controlled

It's not his choice

I saw it coming

The elounor videos the supposed different me. Danielle lied to me, she made up a whole excuse just not to mention management.

Hey hey guys!!! so I know I haven't updated much but I have now and it's long so that should make up for it. Xx anyway I need 10 more votes to update again so please comment vote follow me and if you have any ideas please message me or if you know anyone who could make me a trailer I would love that too. Thanks for reading

Leslie malik hood. Xx

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