Chapter 20.

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" Ladies, please welcome Ms. Tanner." the girl with blond hair and green eyes timidly waved as she pushed her glasses up. "She's the new model photographer, Please be nice and I don't want to hear anything bad going around." Jason smiled and pointed towards me to follow him. I enter his office and sat down in the chairs as he smiled at me handing me a yellow envelope.

"Here you go." I grabbed it confused and raising my brows. "Ms. Vice President." My eyes went huge and I screamed and hugged Jason jumping up and down.

"Oh my god!" I fanned myself as I felt tears come down. "I'm Vice President?" He shook his head smiling.

"It's a thank you for helping me with Melody."

"You didn't have too." He placed his hand in the air.

"What's done is done. Your office is only 5 doors away from mine. Welcome Vice President." I yelled once again embracing him in a huge hug.

"Oh god, Jason thank you so much!" I hugged him once again before running to search for Melody.

"Mel?" I asked as I knocked on her office.

"Come in!"

"Oh my gosh Mel, you won't believe what just happened." She shrugged.

"I just became the Vice President of the industry!" Her eyes went huge and she jump up and down along with me.

"Congrats! You deserve it." Mel said screaming and yelling.

"Thanks, I owe it all to Jason, You'll have to give him a thank you gift if you know what I mean." she smiled and blushed.

"Yeah I know what you mean."

"Okay so, tell me how's it like to be in a relationship with Jason. Is he good in bed?" I smirked and she lightly punched me in the arm.

"Eleanor!" I shrugged in defense. "It's great being in a relationship with him. He's a great guy, by the way I forgot to tell you thanks for helping Jason grow some balls and ask me out."

"No problem." I laughed.

"Have you seen the new girl?" I asked her.

"No? There is a new girl? " I nodded and looked out the office window.

"She's still out there with all the rest of the models." Melody thought for a minute before looking at her herself. She immediately screamed and ran towards her.

"Harley!" Mel yelled as the other girl turned around and yell as well and both were in embrace into a huge.

"Melody! OMG! You look great! How's it goin?" She smiled and waved me over to come.

"It's been great!" She hugged me to her side. "by the way this is Eleanor, my friend and Vice President of this industry." Harley smiled and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you!" I smiled in return. Suddenly out of nowhere my phone began to sound, picking it out of my pocket I looked down to see a text message from a blocked number.

Leave Louis alone he's not yours

I frowned and text back asking who it was, but they never awnsered back. I thought of all the possible people it could have been. Kassnathmas, a fan or probably some wrong number. Later I got another text from the same number.

You know the saying keep your enemies closer than your friends. I don't think you should follow this one. Louis is mine not yours... stay away from him or suffer the consequences. You want to know who I am? come looking for me at 6:00 pm at the bar you and Louis kissed. I'll be there. don't tell anyone about this text or where you're going because you will regret it if you bring someone with you.

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