Chapter 7.

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hey guys! Okay so I don't know if on a laptop or computer it says other wise but to clear things up Danielle is not Danielle peazer. Just to clear things up here is the cast list.

Eleanor Calder: as herself

Louis, Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall: as themselves.

Danielle King: Selena Gomez

Jason Rudy: every time Ed Sherran face pops up so yeah that's him.

Kassanthmas rushing: Jessica Simpson.

If I'm forgetting anyone please comment. :)

My mouth drops as Louis appears before me.

Louis POV:

I couldn't help it. Eleanor has been a really good friend to me and helped me through my problems, but throwing her to the side just because I fucked up, no she doesn't deserve that. She looked even beautifuler than ever in the dress she was wearing that night, but I couldn't help but let my smile disappear when the expression of my arrival snaked up to her face.

"Eleanor!" I yelled like a pathetic desperate loser. I didn't care what people would think of me now or what they would have to comment of me, I just need to talk to her. I needed her brown caramel eyes to look me in the eye and tell me 'I love you', I need her lips right next to mind. I need her.

"Eleanor please, Just ten minutes." I eyed her as she shook her head disappointedly and stomped herself to the back of the curtains, I couldn't stand it and followed her.

"Eleanor" I whispered as I stood behind her.

"What could you possibly want Louis?" I sighed and scratched my neck awkwardly. "C'mon you fuck up, You have her right infront of you tell her the reason behind it all". My subconscious threw in

"Let me explain."

"What is there to explain Louis, I think everything is pretty fucking clear." I sighed knowing so much truth was behind those words.

"Can I speak to you after the show?" She struggles to awnser before realising a minor nod and leaving me alone with my thoughts behind the curtains.





I didn't want to deal with her right now.

"What are you doing here?" the female voice said as it approached me. I flinched as her hand landed on my shoulder.

"What do you want Kassanthmas?"

"The money." I sighed as I placed the wad of 100 dollar bills in her hand.

"Now leave me alone." She smiles and wickedly laughs. Sheesh talk about a witch whore.

"It was nice doing business with you Tomlinson." She places a small kiss on my cheek before heading to where ever it is she headed, with a quick swipe at my cheek I wiped off the excessive spit she had left with her disgusting slobberish kiss. I don't know what to do now, I can't tell Eleanor the truth, Not just yet. I headed to the main room and sat down in the back to enjoy the rest of the show.

Eleanor POV:

My modelling wasn't as good as I wanted it to be after I got the visit from Louis. He seems to be the one who can't stay away now. Who does he think he is coming here and 'trying' to explain things? Jason obviously noticed my discomfort and called in a substitute model while I took a 5 minute break behind the curtains. What is it that Louis could possible say to me? Is it going to destroy my heart that is already shattered into pieces. I suddenly didn't feel so good. Why did Louis have this kind of affect on me? I thought I was over him, I didn't need anymore of my heart shattered to pieces. I called for the man with the track suit from earlier and begged him to call for Jason, minutes later a worried Jason comes jogging through the curtains.

"What's wrong Eleanor?" I simply shake my head from right to left not knowing how to awnser that.

"I don't think I can keep doing this."

"Did Louis do something to you? If he did I swear that you will never see him again."

"No Jason, he didn't do anything to me." Although the idea of never seeing Louis again was quite amusing. He nods as he frustratedly runs his hand through his hair.

"If you don't mind Jason, I'm going home I can't be here anymore." I nearly beg, I really can't be here anymore.

"No problem Eleanor, I'll just find a substitute for your place. Everything is under control." He smiles as he hugs me good bye and leaves me be. I can't be here until the show ends, I don't want to speak to Louis. I rapidly scurry to the dressing rooms and snatch my bag and keys I don't even bother to change and head home before anything else stops me.

I plumped myself on the couch and stared at the wall. Louis is such a selfish... Ugh. He couldn't just leave me alone, anything that he says won't change my mind in anything and that's that.

Let me explain

I laugh at the sound of how pathetic Louis sounded. He couldn't possibly think that explaining would fix things. He really couldn't, or was he that stupid? I couldn't but laugh at myself like a crazy maniac while turning the TV on and watch an episode of The Gurgles. Maybe a childish show will help me laugh.

"Eleanor?" said a voice along with a knock on my door. I couldn't believe this, is he really here? I curse to myself walking towards the door.

"What do you want Louis?" I mentally high five myself for getting rid of the key under the mat.

"I want ten minutes to explain. That's all I'm asking for." I know I'm going I regret this later but I let him in giving him exactly ten minutes to say what he has to say and get out.

"Okay El, please just don't freak out." I flinched at the use of my nickname, he must have seen it muttering a sorry under his breath.

"Go on Louis, but remember this nothing you will say or do will change my mind in any of this." saying it and meaning it, I'm standing my ground.

"Okay, I am in a negotiation with people and what you saw and heard the other day in Kassanthmas apartment isn't what it looks or hears like. Management doesn't have anything to do with this." Is he serious? why would he do this to me?

"It's actually.." He curses as he reaches for his phone and awnsers. He yelled at the person on the other end but soon that stopped and he nodded only saying 'I won't' and 'Okay, I won't say anything'.

"El... I mean Eleanor forget everything I've told you. I need to leave now." I didn't even have time to protest before he slammed the door shut causing the wall clock come tumbling down to the floor making a horrific crash.

Louis POV:

Why did she interrupt me? I was just about to tell her. This stupid idiot better have something very important to declare. I couldn't help but be disgusted with this place now, all it holds is memory's of betrayal. Kassanthmas opens the door with a smirk before opening the door wide enough for me to go in.

"What is it?" I asked angrily before snatching the bottle of liquor that was sitting on the coffee table and plop myself on the couch.

"It's your boss, She told me to tell you to stop going back and trying to apologise to that stupid fucker." She smiles as she places a cigarette between her mouth before puffing smoke out.

"I saw how she acted during the show after you came, she still has feelings for you." She laughs harder and repeats the steps with the cigarette.

"Fine I won't tell her anymore, but we have to tell her sometime." I couldn't help but like the burning feeling this liquor was giving my stomach.

"Your boss, also known as your girlfriend says to pay me more." She snickers as she places her hand out in front of me. I gruff and placed another amount of money in her palm."

"Where is she anyways?" Kassanthmas shrugs as she counts the bills in her hands.

"Of course." I sigh as I tipped the bottle to my lips getting an amazing feeling after letting it get to my stomach.

(Hey guys! Wow thanks for the reads and the very kind comments, I love you! I need 7 votes to update again. I wonder who "The Boss" is? :)

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