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Third Person's

Everything's back to normal.

That is what Seokjin thought after he woke up from his dream but his feelings was now messed up. He just didn't know what to feel since he'll be the one taking care of them instead of him being taken cared of. He's the HYUNG in the real world afterall.

Sighing for the last time, he sat beside Namjoon who's writing down lyrics, though it's obvious what the younger was doing, Seokjin still asked him. “What are you doing, Joon-ah?” He smiled tiredly at their leader as he ask the questions.

“I'm writing a song about my dream, hyung.” Namjoon smiled, his dimple slightly showing and Seokjin swore that Namjoon had one of the precious smiles.

“I'm guessing you had a beautiful dream?” Seokjin asked again.

Namjoon shook his head, the elder noticing the sad smile that is plastered on the leader's face. “It was beautiful, hyung..”

“Then why do you look so sad?”

“It's because I didn't get the happy ending I want.” Namjoon stood up from the couch then leave Seokjin feeling bad for him.

Everybody deserves a happy ending, even if it's in reality or fantasy.. but sadly, Namjoon didn't get what he deserves.

While here he is, thinking about the dream he just have last night and also thinking about the reality he is in, right now.

He got his happy ending on his dream, and also in real life. He got Jungkook in his dream and Yoongi in real life.. what about Namjoon? What's making the leader super sad?


He was slightly startled when he heard someone yelling his name. He look around and saw Jimin who's smiling widely at him.

He motioned to the younger to take a sit beside him and the cute member willingly took it. Jimin's smile can really made everyone's day.

“What is it?” He asked then smiled.

“Can you tell me some pick-up lines, hyung?” Jimin cutely asked so that Seokjin couldn't say no to him.

“Okay.. but you know, you might regret this.” He warned but Jimin just shook his head and he took that as a sign that he can go on. “Is there something on my eyes? Can you see it?” Seokjin pointed his fingers to his eyes, and Jimin leans in for him to see if there's something on it but he didn't expected to be mesmerized by his hyung's eyes. “It's my love for you.”

Jimin giggled at his hyung's cheesiness after he got out from the trance he's in a while ago and Seokjin feel contented at Jimin's giggle.

It's really nice to be back to the real world. Where he could be the boss. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


a/n; here's the first chapter! sorry for any typographical and grammatical errors! the thrill was about to start. xoxo

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