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Third Person's

A particular stylist-noona and Yoongi are getting too close to be platonic in Namjoon's observation.

The said leader has been eyeing the two since the day when Yoongi requested to their Manager, that he wants this stylist-noona to be his personal stylist-noona, and that means, only Yoongi can have her to do his make-up and picked outfits for him.

Seokjin turned his head when he heard his boyfriend chuckling with the stylist-noona beside him who's giggling flirtily that it hurts Seokjin's ear to hear.

“Uh, excuse me but Jimin and Namjoon here was trying to sleep but your voice is too, how do I say this, um, too irritating and annoying I must say.” Jin blurted out as he saw Jimin struggles on taking a nap because of the voices.

Namjoon, on the other hand, nodded his head then rolled his eyes at the two. He wasn't trying to get sleep, he just wanted to relax but the flirty giggles and chuckles bothers him.

Jungkook clicked on his tongue then tapped his Jin-hyung's shoulders so he would divert his attention to him instead of the two when he saw how annoyed the elder look.

“Let's eat something after the show, hyung, okay?” He said, his bunny teeth showing and that calms Seokjin down somehow.

Yoongi then noticed Jungkook and Seokjin talking, he bit his bottom lip so he could stopped the anger and jealousy to bubble up.

Smirking, Yoongi spat something, “NO. Seokjin would rather eat with me than your ugly little ass. I'm the boyfriend anyways.”

Hoseok tried to say some jokes to lessen the tension inside of the room but it didn't worked nor stopped Jungkook and Yoongi from fighting.

“Shut your dirty mouth before I punch you.” Jungkook seriously said, glaring at Yoongi angrily.

Yoongi shrugs it off, not scared at what Jungkook can do. “Look at this little maknae, acting all strong and manly. Aw, so adorable! I suddenly want to pinch your cheeks with my nailcutter..” The second eldest sarcastically cooed.

The two didn't stop from blabbering things to each other until Seokjin was fed up.

He slammed his hands on the table that made a loud bang. “Can the two of you just stop and made up?!” Seokjin growled, making the two stiffened.

Taehyung, who just got out from the restroom blinks rapidly, not believing that he just witnessed Seokjin to be this angry, he'd never been this angry.

Looking for answers on as to why Seokjin shouted and slammed the table, he stared at Jimin and Namjoon, but the two shook their heads in unison. He looks at Hoseok and the dancer gestured Jungkook and Yoongi.

Hyung, I'm sorry.” The two both said then stares to the floor.

“Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to each other!” Jin commanded.

Jungkook and Yoongi stood up from where they was sitting and meet at the center of the dressing room then hugged each other, mumbling silent apologies to each other.

Seokjin finally calmed down then cooed. He's happy he made the two stop from fighting since he was getting annoyed by it.

Yoongi made his way to Seokjin and jumps to his boyfriend's lap and the two elders started to make out.

The rest of the members just bitterly smiles at the scene they are witnessing.. wishing and hoping that someday, they'll be the one on Yoongi's position.

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