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It's been a week since that incident but I can't really fully move on from it cause duh, it's hard to move on! Right? Right.

ISTG, if Taehyung didn't cockblocked that night, I might be limping my way from that fucking dining table to my room.

And I'm really feeling sorry for staining Hoseok-hyung's bed sheet with my cum, ahh, I can still remember the look on his face that morning.. it's like he just finished a horror movie, he looked so scared and disgusted.

I was planning on sneaking to Jin-hyung and Yoongi-hyung's room yesterday and ride Jin-hyung's big fat cock but failed when I saw Yoongi-hyung entering the room.

I was actually confused because Yoongi-hyung was never the one to woke up early in the morning, but this past few days, I would always caught him going out of the dorm or returning, either of the two.

Maybe he wants some healthy lifestyle so he jogged every morning, right? Whatever.

Jimin? Why are you not eating?” Namjoon-hyung asked that made me get out from my trance.

I smiled then picked my spoon then I intentionally dropped it, “Oops, sorry, wait.”

I crawled under the table and saw Jin-hyung's legs. I rubbed his legs and then he flinched, my hands made it's way to his growing bulge..

Shit, it looks delicious.

Jimin? What's taking you so long over there?” I heard Taehyung asked.

I rolled my eyes then picked the spoon I dropped, “There! I finally saw my spoon!” I faked a giggle, still under the table, hands still fixed on Jin-hyung's bulge.


I gave hyung's cock a quick rub and squeeze then got out of the table. I smiled to everyone and show them my spoon but Jin-hyung just glared at me.

“I need to go to the bathroom, excuse me.” Jin-hyung excused himself before making his way to the bathroom.

“Ah, I suddenly want to pee too. Excuse me!” Namjoon-hyung screamed, his hands on his pants.

EW! We don't need to know! Go awaaaay!” Hoseok-hyung exclaimed, others just agreed while laughing.

Pft, if I know, he just want some time alone with Jin-hyung. Let's see who'll be the top and who'll be the bottom since Namjoon-hyung seems the dominant one.

Yoongi-hyung, watch your teritory.” I said then smirked.

He gave me an confused look but soon realized that Jungkook was eating his lamb skewers.. “WHAT THE FUCK!?”

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