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Third Person's

Currently walking around the dorm while finding Seokjin.. Taehyung suddenly sighed as he was getting tired from looking and wandering around the dorm.

There's just one and only room left and if Seokjin isn't there then the hyung might have been gone to buy groceries.

He made his way to Hoseok and Jimin's shared room and when he was in front of it, he can hear muffled gasps and.. moans?

So he slightly opened the door and saw Hoseok dancing.. but there's something wrong.

Hoseok is dancing to Seokjin's lap!

“Oh my holy cow, how dare he?!” Taehyung whispered to himself then closed the door silently.

He clutched onto his chest as he felt his heart stinging from the pain.

Is Jin-hyung cheating on Yoongi-hyung?”

Taehyung didn't know what to feel.. he's feeling hurt because first; he love Seokjin but never tried to seduce him, second; he's feeling hurt for Yoongi.

He peek on the hole again and saw that Hoseok and Seokjin are already done to their mini lap dance session.

Jin finally got out from Hoseok and Jimin's shared room. He fixed his hair and clothes, acting like nothing happened inside of the room.

Hoseok stepped into his foot many times while they're playing a dancing game a while ago and since he was getting very annoyed by it because it seems like he's doing it in purpose.. cause we all know how hoseok excels in dancing.

The game's punishment was giving the winner a lap dance and Hoseok's the one who'd decide and thought about that punishment.

But now that Jin's the winner, he's getting a lap dance from Hoseok.

Since Hoseok started the nasty punishment.. a sly smile started to carve on his face.

He might enjoy giving his members punishments.. how about a cock ring? No, atleast not today.


He heard the familiar grumpy voice then smile as he saw his lover walking towards his direction.

“What is it, Yoongi-ah?” Seokjin cutely asked then clung his slender arms to his boyfriend.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and I might come home late. We're going to BigHit to rehearse our cypher so take a good care of the maknaes.” Yoongi remind his boyfriend then kissed him to his temple.

Ofcourse, oppa. I will.” Seokjin teased the shorter guy since Yoongi really likes to be called oppa, might be his kink.



a/n; i'm sorry abt this ohmygod

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