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Third Person's

Jungkook woke up at exactly 6:30 in the morning, his eyes immediately traveled around the room then he sleepily knot his eyebrows.

Wanting to check Seokjin.. he made his way to Jin and Yoongi's room and saw that it wasn't locked like it's used to.

He took a quick peek and saw Seokjin sleeping so beautifully with his plump lips slightly opened.

His eyes traveled to Yoongi's bed and saw that the second eldest isn't there.. huh?

“Where's Yoongi-hyung?” He mumbled, more to himself.

Yoongi isn't an early person so Jungkook was slightly shock that the second eldest wasn't on his bed. Usually, he will saw the two cuddled up.

He closed the door then let his feet drag him to the kitchen but quickly stopped when he saw 2 person outside..

“They jogged?”

Thinking that it's Jimin and Hoseok, he quietly made his way to the door and opened it. His eyes widen when he saw Yoongi... with a girl?

He quickly hide himself when Yoongi looked at his direction and Jungkook sighed in relief when Yoongi looked away from the place where he was hiding.

He knot his eyebrows when he saw Yoongi hugging the girl with a smile on his face.

“Who the fuck is that girl?” Jungkook murmured as he take a quick peek again..

Then he realized.. it was one of their stylist-noona.

Why would Yoongi-hyung needs to hug and meet her this early morning?

When Yoongi was about to open the door, Jungkook immediately hid himself on the curtain and only got out of it when he heard the door of Yoongi and Seokjin's room closed.

“At 6:30am in the morning, why would he call an stylist-noona?” The youngest mumbled to himself..

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