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Third Person's

Aish, Jimin! What should I do with you?!” Seokjin frustratedly ruffled his hair as he look at his reflection on the mirror.

Then the door flung open, revealing an smirking Kim Namjoon and Jin immediately gave the leader a confused stare.

Namjoon started walking towards the faucet beside the elder then he washed his hands while looking to Seokjin, specifically on the latter's tight pants with the obvious bulge on it.

The leader pointed on that spot and Seokjin's eyes immediately widened, “I can help you with that, hyung.” He said, not even stuttering and sounding confident yet sincere. “Who caused that though?”

Seokjin couldn't help but to quirk an eyebrow to Namjoon's offer and question. “What do you mean you'll help me?” Jin tried to cover the bulge on his pants using his hands but Namjoon removed it.

“With that.” He pointed on it again.

Jin gulped then look away, Yoongi, who else?” is what he answered for the second question from the leader.

Act cool, Jin. Act cool.

“Yeah, right. Who else?” The leader sarcastically said, rolling his eyes after. So.. would you like me to suck you off so that problem can be fixed?” Namjoon grinned.

Seokjin didn't know what to say. He was confused though he know he shouldn't be because he have Yoongi, his boyfriend, his lover. He must say no but–

“Okay then.” Jin said, shrugging like it's no big deal and just nothing, just purely business.

Namjoon kneeled in front of Seokjin's tight pants and ran his fingers to the tent on it, feeling sastisfied as the elder immediately moaned.

He then started rubbing Jin's still clothed member while smirking on the feeling of the elder's big dick in his palm.

But when Namjoon was on the verge on unzipping his pants, he stopped the leader then sighed, “This is wrong, Namjoon.” Jin said, feeling sorry when the leader frowned.

“This isn't wrong when I can make you feel good and right, hyung.” Namjoon tried to argue and explain so that he can continue on what he's going to do. “A blowjob won't hurt, right?” He added, looking straight into Jin's eyes with a pleading look.

“Maybe it won't but it can hurt feelings, Joon. If Yoongi finds out, he'll hate me, he'll hate us. It's hard to gain trust again and I don't want to break it and I'm not planning on breaking it, Namjoon. Sorry.” Seokjin bowed politely as a sorry then walked out of the bathroom, the problem on his pants was still noticeable but he don't mind.

Namjoon tried to calm himself while looking at his reflection. He opened the faucet again then washed his face this time, so the redness of his eyes won't be visible.

“Not to break his trust when his boyfriend already did but he's just too oblivious to know? What in the world, Jin-hyung? Why do you love Yoongi so much?” Namjoon mumbled then he silently curses Yoongi.

Seokjin finally entered the room he and Yoongi shared. He really need to fixed his problem before it hurts more, he can't even feel his legs anymore because of his throbbing hot member down there.

He locked the door quickly so that he wouldn't be disturbed while doing his business then sat on his bed.

He freed his aching member that made him moan and groan at the feeling of his dick being released from the tight pants. He ran his fingers on it then started playing on the slit of his member.


Seokjin swear.. he locked the door before playing with his throbbing member so he was so shocked and terrified to see Yoongi looking at him with the same reaction as his who shouted at him.

“H-how the f-fuck?!” Seokjin covered his exposed member though he knew Yoongi already saw it like everyday and that means– a million times.

LET ME LIVE AND FIX MY PROBLEM!! Seokjin cries in his mind. He can feel himself slowly turning crazy as he's always been interrupted on jerking off his fucking problem that Jimin caused.

“No, hyung. How the fuck did you get a boner? How are you so hard already?” Yoongi asked suspiciously with his brows raised.

“I saw you,”


“Seeing you can make me hard.”

Yoongi rolled his eyes then hide the blush that's creeping on his cheeks. “Since I caused that, should I fix it too?”

“You must fix this.”


a/n; ok. so first of all, i'm sorry for not updating for too long! the real reason is.. i got writer's block and i'm trying my very best to make these chapters still satisfying. istg, school is a bitch. ok, byeiii xx

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