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Third Person's

“Fans of BTS, all distraught because of the accident their idols have encountered.”

“The police said that the driver of the truck isn't really conscious and was out of his right mind while driving, the report also confirmed that it's drunk driving. While they're still waiting for the BTS members to wake up so they can start investigating them and get their statements on what had really happened.”

“There's still no updates about the current condition of any BTS members but we are trying our best to know any information about the damage they've elicited..”

Seokjin blink his eyes slowly, groping on the sheets to feel it, and groaning afterwards when he felt the throbbing pain on his head.

Moments later, his vision finally became more clearer, realizing he's in a unfamiliar place. He tried looking around but his neck aches, stiffed.

He only realized he's on a hospital when a guy in white approaches him, it's the nurse that's assigned to check his condition and asked him questions about what he's feeling.

But instead of answering the nurse appropriately, he asked where's his co-members are, and the nurse answered, “They're on the other rooms, Sir, while the other two's on the O.R, the others might be on the ICU.”

Seokjin gulped, tears brimming, “Why? What h-happened?” He asked between hiccups.

He couldn't even remember a thing right now, the last thing he knew was he's feeling dizzy while driving, Taehyung, and the other members calling him and shouting something.

He pulled the strands of his hair out of frustration, bitting his lips painfully as he couldn't remember any information on as to why they're in this kind of situation.

“Sir, don't force yourself to remember everything but all I knew was you and your co-members got into an accident because of the drunk truck driver that's why you guys end up being here.” The nurse said, gently removing Seokjin's fingers from being tangled on his hair.

Without any hesitation, Seokjin blurted out, “I want to see them,” He cried but the nurse hesitantly looked at him, “Please..” He pleaded.

The nurse sighed, nodding his head. “But we're not going to stay long, okay? Just a quick peek, yeah?”

When Seokjin nodded back his head, the nurse told him to stay still and wait for him to come back since he's going to get a wheelchair for Seokjin to ride while visiting the other members.

The nurse immediately came back with a slight smile on his lips, he made Seokjin sat on the wheelchair carefully and made sure his patient feel comfortable enough, and Seokjin just nodded.

“Can you tell me how they look like?”

“Actually.. I dont really know.”

Seokjin bit his lip, tried to calm himself, and expect for something, expecting for the least worst, expecting to see them all good and breathing like him, most especially expecting them to be alive.

As the sign of I.C.U gets nearer, the more he gets nervous and afraid, he felt like backing out but also felt like he needed to see them for him to be calmer and feel assured that they're just doing fine, that they're okay.

The nurse opened the door and Seokjin's tears and jaw immediately dropped, he can't breathe, he's suffocating that he just wanted to pass out.

He never imagined them being in this woeful situation, where Taehyung have bandages on his head and arms, Jimin have so much of very bad and serious looking bruises and the bandages on his right knee, and Hoseok have cuts and bruises everywhere on his body and on his left cheek.

But the nurse told him that no one's still allowed to see Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook since the three have the most serious situation that Seokjin wished he could be the one lying in there, suffering for their damages, and having the 6 of his co-members okay will make hin feel better but he knew the reality, that magics are fakes and wishes aren't going to come true..

“Guys, please, w-wake up!” Seokjin weakly sobbed, tears unstoppable.

“They wouldn't like it if they'll see you crying, Jin.”

A voice behind his back was heard, making him jumped a little but fastly recovered, Shihyuk-nim!” Seokjin cried, hugging the said man, it's their PD-nim; Bang Shi Hyuk. “Please tell me what's Jungkook and Namjoon's condition is?”

PD-nim worriedly looked at him before saying, “I know you're not gonna like this but Namjoon was currently fighting for his life, he needs a heart transplant since he got the worst damage, and he needs to be operated immediately since his heart might not take it longer anymore.”

To say that Seokjin is devastated is an understatement, he's feeling the worse, and he started blaming his self inside his mind, if only he didn't forced himself to drive and told that he couldn't do it since his head throbs and aches then this wouldn't happen.

“What a-about Jungkook?”

“His eyes, he'd lost them, he couldn't see anything anymore, and he needed an eye donor for him to see the world's beauty again. While Yoongi turned paler and kind of yellow because of too much blood loss, he also have bandages on his head.”

Seokjin closed his eyes, placing his hand on his chest, he don't wanna cry but tears won't stop from falling. “This is all my fault,” He sobbed, trying to get up from the wheelchair but the nurse made him stay still. “Let me touch them!” He shouted, voice hoarse from so much crying and also from speaking.

“Jin, this is not your fault, okay?” PD-nim tried to calm him down but failed.

“It is! It is!” Seokjin cried out more.


Seokjin looked at the owner of the voice and saw Taehyung, calling out his name but eyes only half-opened.

Taehyung!” He responded.

Taehyung's eyes slowly opened, and saw his favorite hyung approaching his bed, Hyung..” Taehyung started with a small smile. “I'm happy you're okay.” He touched his hyung's face, still with a smile. “and I'm sorry for being too loud.” Tears started streaming down from his face as he touched Jin's tears streaked one.

“Hush, it's not your fault okay?” Seokjin shushed the crying Taehyung but didn't stop from crying.

“Then it's the road's fault?” Taehyung tried to joke, but instead of laughters, tears bursted.

PD-nim taught himself to be strong for the people under his care, especially, BTS. He hugged the two crying men in his welcoming arms, trying not to cry nor create a sad sound, it's not the time for him to cry. He needs to comfort his family.

“PD-nim! PD-nim!” It's their manager-hyung.

Namjoon's heart seems to be weaker and weaker, we need to find a heart donor!”

That's when all of them didn't stop their tears from falling as they rushed to Namjoon's room except for Seokjin, and Taehyung.


a/n; hi to y'all! i just wanted to greet y'all a happy valentine's day! i hope u had a good day today and sorry for this update coz i rushed this one and i'm kind of half-awake and in case no one told you they love you today.. i'll be doing it instead.


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