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Third Person's

Seokjin stayed still, not even moving one bit and smiling very sadly, he couldn't– he just couldn't hide how hurt he is right now.

Yes, he's a great actor, he graduated majoring in acting but he didn't know how to put a smile after getting hurt at the sight in front of the them.

Where his boyfriend was standing with his personal stylist-noona..

Actually, if Seokjin isn't Yoongi's boyfriend, they will think that this stylist-noona was Yoongi's girlfriend but no, he have a boyfriend, not a girlfriend.. the name's Kim Seokjin, not someone slutty.

Shocked. Yes, he is.

Pained. Yes, his heart.

Sad. Yes, his face.

Broken. Yes, his whole-being.

No one told you to invite a stripper here.” Jimin spat, not minding the stylist-noona's pouting face.

“Stop pouting, bitch. It doesn't suit you. Ew.” Hoseok, the most lively person said, with his face showing how disgusted he is.

Seokjin snapped at this. He doesn't want any girl to feel ugly nor hated so he immediately made his way in front of her and gave her a welcoming hug.

The other members frowned deeply, their hands turning into fists, ready to fight the smiling Yoongi.

The eldest must be a masochist, enduring all the pain and hugging the girl his boyfriend had invited to come to his birthday is really amusing..

“Happy birthday, love.” Yoongi greeted him with a smile then kissed him to his cheek.

Love, hah, but that isn't their usual pet names.. Yoongi never called him love and he would always kiss him to his forehead, nose, or lips..

Seokjin bitterly smiled, “You're really different and weird today.” He said and Yoongi just shrugged.

Seokjin bit his lower lip, closing his eyes tight before releasing a very deep sigh to calm himself down a bit..

Stop thinking such thing, Jin. They're just friends. Yoongi invited her because she's a very close friend. Don't assume. Don't make false assumptions.

When he opened his eyes, It's Taehyung's face he saw before the younger collided his lips into Jin's.. just a quick peck though, Seokjin's very fast at pushing Taehyung away..

“Sorry, hyung.. I just wanted to–”

Seokjin warmly smiles, patting Taehyung's shoulder, “Yeah, I know, don't worry.”

The two of them made their way to the living room where all of the members are already seated but what hurts Seokjin was the sight of his boyfriend with this noona on the two-person couch.

Seokjin gulped at this, trying to swallow all the pain but he knew he couldn't, Hyung! Sit here!” Namjoon caught his attention, the leader patting the empty space next to him that Seokjin claimed to sit on.

“Thanks, Joon-ah.” The eldest warmly smiled and Namjoon just nodded.

Their eyes are all focused on the TV except for Hoseok and Jimin who are bothering Jungkook and Namjoon about the change of plan.

Eyy, what are we doing here? Shouldn't we be preparing them for their date?” Jimin quietly asked, tilting his head in confusion.

Jungkook rolled his eyes before answering, “Look at Jin-hyung,” He commanded and the two did. “How does he look like?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Jimin and Hoseok looked at each other before sighing and looking down their feet, “He's unhappy.”

“What do you think was the reason?”

Jimin glared at Yoongi and that noona's figure then answered, “Because of Yoongi-hyung and that– that thing. Ugh.”

“But what are we doing here? What are we gonna watch?” Now it's time for Hoseok to ask.

“Compilation of our memories until that noona get bored and go home.. then we'll proceed to the hyungs date.” Namjoon murmured so Taehyung already switched the TV on then started their memories marathon.

Seokjin was fidgetting from time to time until Taehyung decided to sit on the floor– in between the eldest legs causing Seokjin to calm down for a bit, not wanting Taehyung to be disturbed at his actions.

He shifted his eyes from the tv to Yoongi and that girl's place, the girl wasn't really paying attention as she is playing with Yoongi's fingers and massaging the latter's thighs in a erotic way.

Seokjin wanted to react, to make the girl stay away from Yoongi, to fight her but he couldn't.. since Yoongi seems to be enjoying her company– a lot.

He was only snapped out of his trance when Yoongi spoke while pointing at the TV, Hyung, look! It's us!” His boyfriend said, grinning.

It's when Yoongi wrote a letter for him for their RUN EP, where Yoongi was reading his letter to Seokjin.

Aww, Yoongi..” Seokjin coo-ed, smiling fakely. “We used to be so happy.” He finished, bitterness dripping.

His boyfriend knot his brow in confusion before laughing awkwardly, “What do you mean ‘we used to be’, hyung.. We're still happy.”

Seokjin just shrugged and that's when he felt Namjoon's hands on his back, rubbing comforting circles and Taehyung, massaging his toe fingers. The others though, were looking at him worriedly.. he could just fake a smile.

“We kinda run out of popcorn.” Hoseok said, breaking the ice.

Yoongi and I will get it!” The only girl happily chirped before pulling Yoongi's hand and walking away to go to the kitchen.

The remaining members gathered around Seokjin, hugging the eldest for comfort and the latter felt really grateful.. atleast he have his members.

“It's okay, guys. She's his friend, ofcourse my boyfriend would accompany her.”

“Liar, you are hurting.” Jungkook said, his jaw clenched.

And then again, Seokjin could only fake a smile.


a/n; pls don't hate yoongi too much coz shits are just about to come. sorry for making yoongi like this here, i luv him ok and i luv u all.

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