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Weeks had passed and everything's still awkward and the ambiance in our dorm's still sad and we all knew why.

We recently had a concert and we're happy that we finished it already cause I hate it when Jin-hyung try to hide his pain, frown, and tears.

News reporters and the people who attended the press conference just said that the video and all are misunderstandings and we're thankful that they're kind enough to do that.

“Someone call Seokjin-hyung from his room!” Namjoon-hyung shouted while preparing the cameras.

Today, the members decided to do a VLive and I'm kinda worried about Jin-hyung. He always hides the pain in front of the camera for our ARMYs and I hate how Yoongi-hyung seems to be so normal– like nothing happened.

“I'll do it!” I shouted back before running to go to Jin-hyung and Jungkook's shared room.

Yeah, it's not Yoongi-hyung and Jin-hyung's anymore because Yoongi-hyung chose to be alone, he wanted a room for himself and Jungkook nods his head, saying he feels so lonely on his room. So they changed rooms.

The closer I am to Jin-hyung's room, the louder the faint sobs I'm hearing. He's crying again, huh?

I knocked my knuckles on the door and I heard shuffling inside the room before the door opens, revealing Jin-hyung's smiling face.

“Hi, Tae. Are we going to start the live already?” He asked with a smile but his voice hoarse.


I pushed him inside the room again before locking the door closed. He stared at me with his wide eyes, clueless on what I'm doing.

He stood there, looking at me, his head tilted. Why the fuck is he so adorable and beautiful at the same time? Yoongi-hyung doesn't know what he'd lost.

I cupped Jin-hyung's cheeks with my big hands then I smiled at him with full of love– I really wanted to express my feelings more, now that Yoongi-hyung's already out of the way.

Tae, what–”

I brought my face closer to Jin-hyung's until there's no gap already.. I kissed him.

I am kissing Kim Seokjin.

I really wanted to do this for a long time already, especially this past few days, he looked so down and sad that I wanted to shower him with kisses and I'm happy that he's letting me do this.

Not long after, he started kissing me back and I love the feeling– the butterflies and all the clichés when you kiss the person you love, I can feel it all in my system.

I am inlove with Kim Seokjin.

We fought for dominance which I easily won. I explore every inch of his mouth, I licked his lips, bit it gently before pulling away with a smile.

But what brokes my heart is when he looked down on the floor, playing with his fingers.. I hoped for him to smile back at me but he looked down.

“You're always doing this when you're seeing me sad.. why?” He asked, his voice sounding smaller than ever.

I cupped his cheeks again and made him look into my eyes. We looked at each other and I smile as I answer, “Because I don't want you to be sad, because I love you, because you're adorable, because you're–”

I didn't get to finish my words when Jin-hyung's tears started to fall and then I heard him whisper, Yoongi used to say things like that to me.” He sobbed.

My smile dies down as soon as I heard Yoongi-hyung's name but I tried to recover to finish the words that I wanted to say, “Because you're my everything, hyung..”

But I am not Yoongi, hyung.



“Taehyung, I love you a lot.”
- Seokjin on National TV

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