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Third Person's

Seokjin looked at his reflection in front of the mirror before sighing sadly.. he's thinking about Yoongi, again.

He's thinking how Yoongi fell out of love while he was still stucked in love..

Is he too fat? Or is it because he's no longer young and beautiful? Or because of him being awkward at everything? Or because he was simply tired of loving someone like him?

Thinking about the possibilities made Seokjin's heart ache unbelievably until his attention was diverted to the door being opened by the two rappers; Hoseok, and Namjoon.

"What are you guys doing here? Do you need something? Hungry or what?" Seokjin tried to smile as he was asking the younger two questions.

Hoseok suddenly smirked, making his way to the eldest' place- he placed his arms around Seokjin's waist tightly before whispering, "We wanted to have fun, hyung." The dancer nibbled the eldest' ear.

Seokjin slightly shivered, staring at his and Hoseok's reflection on the mirror, "W-what does it have to do with me?" He stuttered.

Namjoon then locked the door before rushing in front of Seokjin, making the eldest looked like he was being sandwhiched by the two rappers at the moment, both of them looking giddy and horny at the same time.

Namjoon started placing wet and smooth kisses onto Seokjin's adam's apple then down to the eldest' nipples to play with it with his skillful tongue and with his fingers while Hoseok started grinding his hard manhood unto Seokjin's still clothed ass.

"You're the fun here, hyung." Namjoon finally answered Seokjin's question.

The vocalist gulped but didn't do anything to stop the two from feasting him like some hungry beasts who've been deprived from meat.

Namjoon noticed the growing bulge on Seokjin's lower region so he started palming it with the clothes and materials still on but it still made Seokjin moan cause his neglected member was now given proper attention.

"Tell us if you don't want to continue this, hyung, yeah?" Hoseok softly asked but still sounds like a growl to the eldest' ears.

Namjoon mischievously smiled, "But we're not going to stop even when you told us to, maybe we'll just do it more gently and carefully but stopping isn't in our vocabulary right now."

Seokjin just nodded like a child obeying his parents. Hoseok scooped Seokjin in his arms before throwing him carefully unto the soft mattress.

Both rappers started to work on getting rid of the clothes Seokjin's still wearing so Hoseok ripped the shirt in piece while Namjoon eagerly undid Seokjin's pants.

Now, Seokjin is officially naked with two horny rappers lusting and drooling over the body being displayed in front of them.

Hoseok licked on his lips like a maniac then he spit on his fingers since he doesn't have any lube before entering the first two fingers inside the eldest' hole.

"Jungkook stretched you well?" Hoseok asked, staring deeply to Jin's eyes and the vocal could only nod and moan as the rapper penetrates him faster with his fingers.

Namjoon crashed his lips on the vocalist' plump one before he place his hands on his hyung's member, palming it before giving it a handjob.

They're just starting yet Seokjin looked wrecked and irresistibly fuckable under them.

On the living room.
Where the maknae line's currently playing with the new game and controllers Taehyung had bought.. the three of them heard a sudden moan that made their ears perk and also made them feel goosebumps.

Jimin almost fell off from the couch with his controller but managed to compose himself while Jungkook was very sure that's their Seokjin-hyung, moaning. He's very sure of it.

Taehyung then pouted before harshly putting down his controller and kick his feet on the floor like a child, tantrums-ing.

"I never had the chance to fuck Jin-hyung!" Taehyung whined with a pout visible on his face.

"At least I've experienced riding his cock so I don't have any problem with it." Jimin said, which almost sounded like he's bragging.

"But you already gave him a blow before, right?" Jungkook spoke too before shrugging.

"Bitch, that isn't as satisfying as fucking! You know that!" The second maknae shouted.

Taehyung continued to blabber words and complain while the other two continued playing the game so their attention would be diverted from their hardening crotch to the video game.

They only stopped to turn their heads on the person who arrived when they heard the main door creaked, it's their Yoongi-hyung.

Yoongi tiredly made his way to the couch where Jimin was seating, he lay his tired body on the wide couch before closing his eyes but opened them again when he heard moans from a particular room.

Jimin looked at him with a tedious look on his face, "Yep, you're not wrong. That's Jin-hyung being fucked by Hoseok-hyung and Namjoon-hyung." He said.

Jungkook and Taehyung watched Yoongi's expression changed, from sleepy and tired to shocked and disturbance.

Yoongi only looked into the ceiling, sighing very deep that made Taehyung ask, "How does it feel?"

Yoongi knot his brow, trying to act like he doesn't get the question the second maknae was trying to say.. "Feel what?" His tone kinda rose.

"Feel betrayed." Jungkook and Jimin both said and Taehyung nodded.

Yoongi felt his throat dry but answered, "I'm okay, I'm happy he's moving on. Just take care of him cause I failed on doing so.."

Yoongi then grabbed his jacket before walking away from them and going out of the house.

Jungkook just clicked on his tongue then continued playing with Jimin to divert their attention from their hardening members to the game they're currently playing, while Taehyung's eyes are locked on where Yoongi got out.

They all promised and kept in mind that they'll not hurt Seokjin and they'll never do what Yoongi did.

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