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Third Person's

“Shit, Yoongi.. fuck me there! A-ahh!” The girl moaned when Yoongi found her sweet spot.

The rapper quickened his pace, pounding his length inside of her more brutally and painfully delicious that the girl couldn't helped but to just moan.

“You're really a slut for my dick, huh?” Yoongi said while smirking, his voice sounds raspier.

The girl only smirked back, “Says the one who wants me to be his personal stylist-noona for him to fuck me everytime he wants.

Yoongi lowly chuckles as his thrusts started to be inhumane. He's like on ecstasy, moaning, groaning, and growling.

The only difference here is.. Yoongi was moaning someone else's name instead of his boyfriend's.

At the BTS' dorm, there stood Seokjin in front of the stove, smiling as he put the ingredients on the pan.

Namjoon wrapped his arms on Seokjin's waist then smiled, “What are you cooking, hyung?

The eldest smiled back, eyes still on the pan. Yoongi's favorite!” He chirped.

I don't really know what Yoongi-hyung did to his past life to have someone like you beside him.” Namjoon said, his insecurity dripping.

Jungkook, who's watching the two from the dining table suddenly spoke, Seokjin-hyung's too perfect. It's surreal that he's really here, I mean, how can someone be so beautiful and handsome at the same time?”

All Seokjin could do was to blush at the Maknae's words. He knew he isn't perfect. He's awkward in so many ways so how can Jungkook and Namjoon say words like that to him?

Goodmorning to the most handsome hyung in the whole universe~” Jimin yelled then pulled Seokjin away from Namjoon so he could hug the older.

Minutes later, Taehyung pulled the eldest from Jimin's hug so he can take his turn. Yoongi should atleast treat you like a princess or I'll do it for him.” Taehyung whispered to Jin's ear, his hot breathe fanning Jin's earlobe.

“Y-YAH! Why are y'all acting so clingy right now?” Seokjin stuttered, blushing.

Hoseok, who just got woke up spoke, “Just in case you'll need it, hyung. Besides, you deserve all the love that you are receiving.” The ball of sunshine supressed an eye-blinding smile.

“Don't you remember? It'll be your birthday tomorrow, hyung!” Jungkook excitedly said, showing his cute bunny teeth.

Seokjin could only smile back, “Yeah. Thank you for everything.”

“I don't take thankyous, hyung. I want sex.” Jungkook playfully smirked that made all of his co-members to glare at him. “I maybe half-joking, duh.. and can y'all not glare at me like that when we all know that everyone here inside the dorm wants a piece of Jin-hyung.” Jungkook didn't stop from spilling things frankly.

Seokjin on the other hand was a blushing mess, he's embarrassed yet overwhelmed at the same time.

This feels like deja vu. Why is that? Right, his dream!

The dream where all of his co-members have confessed to him too. The only difference right now was their age, their age turned back and he's in a relationship with Min Yoongi. He love Yoongi and that's all.

He was blinded by lust when he did the thing with Jimin and agreed to Taehyung's offer but that's all, just monkey business, no feelings attached..

No feelings attached?

Ofcourse! He would only make love with Yoongi and with Yoongi only. Period.

Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook on the othet hand watched Seokjin the whole time the eldest was thinking, all of them murmuring;

“I wish I could be Yoongi-hyung. I wish I could be the one Seokjin-hyung was thinking about. Yoongi-hyung's such and asshole.”

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