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Third Person's

Tonight, it'll just be Jimin, Taehyung and Seokjin in the dorm. AKA, Jin with the 95erz.

The other members didn't want to leave too but them being dragged by the manager didn't really help since he said that BANGPD-nim wants to talk to them.

Originally, it's just the rapper line being called but since Jungkook is actually good at rapping too, he's been pushed by the 95 liners inside the van and the youngest could only cursed them inside his mind.

Currently eating popcorn while watching a movie, Taehyung slid his hand inside Jin's shirt, silently and carefully and he succeeded.

Seokjin gave Taehyung a confused stare then glance to the hand inside of his shirt, “What are you doing, Tae?” Jin whispers to Taehyung's sensitive ears, sending shivers down the younger's spine.

Taehyung started massaging Jin's toned tummy, smiling to himself when he felt the elder flinched at his touch.

“You look stressed, hyung. Just easing it a bit by massaging you.” He innocently answered.

Seokjin smiles at that. He's happy that his dongsaeng's cared for him. He let Taehyung massage him then he glance at Jimin, who's too engulfed by the movie they're watching.

The small boy was about to cry and Seokjin found it adorable yet painful when the tears started to fall freely from Jimin's eyes. He's really the softest.. isn't he?

“Jimin-ah,” Jin started, slightly smiling but was replaced when he yelped at the feeling of Taehyung's hands that's now on his nipples. The eldest tried his best not to suppress a moan, “Don't cry.” He barely said.

Fuck. Taehyung might be doing this on purpose. Jin thought, biting his bottom lip so he can hold the moan that's about to escape from his mouth.

Taehyung only stopped when he finally fell asleep, relief rushed to Jin's system as he removed Taehyung's hand inside his shirt then lift the latter to bring him at Tae and Namjoon shared room.

Jimin, on the other hand was on the kitchen, making coffee for him and Seokjin.

He does not have any plans on sleeping since Jin will be all his tonight since the rapper line with the maknae would sleep at a hotel and Taehyung's already asleep in his room. Finally, thank god. He thought.

Smirking at the plan he'd made while Seokjin's carrying Taehyung till his room, he finally shouted, HYUNG!!” And that alarmed Jin so he immediately made his way to the kitchen where Jimin was. Hyung! I've messed up!” Jimin cried, pointing his little fingers to the shattered glass on the floor.

“Are you hurt?” Is what Jin asked, he's seriously worried about Jimin, not caring about the shattered glass.

“No, hyung. I've messed up! Punish me, hyung!” Jimin yelled, still crying.

Seokjin softened at the sight of Jimin crying so he step closer to his crying dongsaeng then hugged him tight.

“Hush, it's okay. Why would I punish you?” Jin's voice was soft, making sure not to scare the younger.

Jimin pushed Seokjin away from him, slightly whining at the process. “You should be angry! You should punish me!” He exclaimed, slightly shocking the elder.

“Fine! What punishment should I give you? What do you want?” Seokjin asks while looking straight to Jimin's eyes.

There's silence for minutes until Jimin finally broke it, surprising Seokjin with his answer, “Fuck me, hyung. Fuck me hard.”

Jin's eyes widened, gulping, he asked again, “W-what?”

But Jimin just smirked, he know Seokjin heard him and he can see how the elder's bulge grow and how tight his pants now because of his problem.

“Should I just ride you, hyung?”

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