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Third Person's

Namjoon placed his hand on his beating heart, it never stopped from beating for Seokjin, his own organ or donated, he loves Seokjin dearly.

“I love him, Jimin.” Namjoon confessed, looking straight to the shorter male's eyes.

“I love him too, hyung. So much that it hurts.” Jimin said with a fainted gasp.

“This is so weird,” Namjoon chortles. “We all love the same person.” He continued with a little smile but can't deny the fact that he wanted to cry.

“I know right.” Taehyung suddenly butted in, though his head still hurts, he pushed himself to sit properly on his bed.

“Who wouldn't? Seokjin-hyung is an angel.” Hoseok interfere too.

Indeed.” The other three agreed without any hesitation.

Yoongi wiped the tears from the side of his eyes that's threatening to fall. If only he knew this would happen, he should have chosen to stay with Seokjin a little longer than prolonging the pain his lover was feeling.

“I miss him so bad, noona.” Yoongi couldn't help but to let himself cry, sobbing loudly as he couldn't contain his feelings anymore.

“I'm sorry I came into your life, Yoongi-ah. I'm sorry I've ruined the happy ending you always dreamed of with Seokjin.” She apologized, feeling guilty that she's the main reason why all of this event happened.

“It's not your fault, it's mine–”

“NO, Yoongi. It's mine. Should I just abort–”

“Don't say any fucking word. You're not allowed to do something bad with my baby.” Yoongi exclaimed, now feeling furious.

She only nodded in agreement, rubbing her tummy and murmuring sorrys to the baby inside her.

“I can't handle losing another important person in my life.”

Jungkook sighed, exhaling and inhaling fresh air as he was on the hospital's garden while he's on the wheel chair. He placed his fingers on something, feeling the roughness of it and guessing if what it was.

“Is this a leaf?” He asked, smiling to himself as the little thing was tickling him a bit.

“It is.” The nurse said, tapping Jungkook's head as he's doing a good job recognizing and feeling things using his fingers and hands.

Jungkook didn't know but he felt contented even if he isn't able to see things now, for awhile. Smelling, feeling, and tasting, that's what he's doing and was able to do for the past two days but he love it.

“I wonder if my dream about Jin-hyung being the maknae and ending up with him happily will come true. I fucking want it to come true, I'll take all the fucking risk, even if it's losing my sight.” He said, sadness and bitterness dripping from his voice. Losi

“Don't say that Jungkook-ah,”

“It's true, I love him more than anything else that I'm willing to lose everything but not him. No kidding.” Jungkook said with a sigh.

“He's very lucky then and you have a one happy dream.” The nurse said with a faint smile, feeling the younger's sincere voice.

Nah, not now that he's already gone and it's just a dream. Dreams are just inaginations made by our mind.” He breathed out, feeling his chest tighten, tears already falling.

Jungkook didn't hear any response from the nurse, it's just silent and the birds chirping is the only thing you could hear.


“Who's gone?”

Suddenly, a very familiar voice was heard. The voice he's longing to hear, the voice of his one and only love. He must've gone crazy but Jungkook was sure that it's him..  or could it be him?


I WANNA SAY THANKYOU TO @ggukfics for all of these amazing book covers I'm using! I love u.

a/n; i've been too busy bc of school and it's making me sad and frustrated coz i can't update and check my acc and works for the past few days. writer's block aye. sorry if this is bad.

also, someone requested to me for a face reveal and they're like 3 who messaged me, so this is it.. DON'T EXPECT TOO MUCH COZ I'M..


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JUST KIDDING. I'm not confident when it comes to my ugly ass face. I'm gonna do it. Maybe soon. *insert my ugly face pouting and doing peace signs* ew.

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