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It's now 7pm but the rapper line was nowhere to be found here inside the dorm and I kinda miss my boyfriend already.

I saw the maknae line on the couch, watching some horror movies and I'm sure as hell that Taehyung and Jungkook was planning to make Jimin feel scared so he won't be able to sleep.

Sighing, I sat beside Tae but he quickly stood up from his seat then tried to fit himself in the middle of Jimin and Jungkook.

Hey, why did he move away from me like that like I'm some kind of a very dirty virus?

But my thoughts soon disappeared as I felt someone tugging on the sleeves of my shirt.. Hyung, I'm scared..” Jimin said, now hugging me tightly.

I saw Jungkook rolling his eyes on Jimin. “Such a baby. Aw.” He teasingly cooed then changed the channel. “Now, it's not scary anymore, stop clinging like a koala into Jin-hyung's arm.” Jungkook harshly added.

What's with this maknae?!

I shushed Jimin who's now crying from Jungkook's rude and harsh words then gave the younger a glare.

Jungkook. Punishment. Tomorrow. Cleaning dishes.

He just sighed. That's what you'll get for being rude Jungkook. I'll make sure you wouldn't do this again to your hyungs.

LOL HAHAHAHAHA!” Taehyung laughed all of a sudden and Jimin unclasped his little muscular arms into me. Jungkook turned his head to Taehyung too.

We all looked at the television, expecting something from the show to be funny but.. “What's so funny about the news?” I seriously asked with my brows knotted.

Taehyung then stopped laughing then blushed out of embarrassment, “It was funny..” He defended but we kept our brows knotted, waiting for a better explanation. “But you ruined it.” He said, looking at me.

I kept my brows knotted while the other two tried not to laugh, thinking it was a kind of joke but I know Taehyung is serious..

What's his problem?!

“I lost my appetite, I'll go to sleep.” Taehyung excused himself.

“But we aren't eating?” Jimin said, questioning Taehyung's excuse.

Whatever.” is what Taehyung lastly said before walking away from the three of us.

I stared at his back who's slowly fading away from my vision then sighed.

“I will talk to him.” I said then stand up.

Jimin and Jungkook somehow tugged on my shirt that made me look at them. “Hyung.. please stay with us.”

“I'll just talk to Taehyung about his sudden attitude. I'll be back after.” And they nodded.

I made my way to Taehyung and Namjoon's shared room then opened the door, revealing an half-naked 22 year old boy.

His eyes widened when he saw me then he covered his body with the blanket.

I rolled my eyes on him. Tsk, like we never saw everybody's body. I thought to myself and sat at his bed.

“Hey, Tae–”

“Don't call me that, you're a cheater.” He blurted out.

“What?” I almost yelled bur holds back.

He smirked at me, “I saw you and Hoseok-hyung.”

He mean.. the lap dance? The punishment?

“I think, you misunderstood what you saw–”

“Whatever it is, you still cheated on Yoongi-hyung–”

“NO! WAIT– it's Hobi's punishment, okay?” I started to explain everything to him and he slowly calmed down.

He looked at me and now we are staring at each other's eyes. I smiled at him but he looked down.

So I placed my hand on his shoulder. “But what you did is still bad, hyung.” He mumbled.

“Hush, I'm so confused about my feelings at the moment and I don't know what came into my mind to do this..” I said then look down as well.

I am ashamed of myself for being like this after the dream I had. I should only love Yoongi. Only him.

But why am I feeling this?

“Goodnight, hyung. We have a fanmeeting event tomorrow.”


a/n; okay, let me take a survey.

Top Jin or Top Jimin?

Top Jin or Top Jungkook?

Top Jin or Top Yoongi?

Top Jin or Top Hoseok?

Top Jin or Top Taehyung?

Top Jin or Top Namjoon?

i want to know your opinion coz i don't know wether make Jin top or bottom and.. so, i decided to just take a survey again since my readers opinion are the importantest lmao importantest? ok, i'm leaving bye.

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