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Third Person's

Namjoon frowned as soon as he saw Yoongi back-hugging Seokjin. He doesn't have any problem about it though since Yoongi's the boyfriend but still, it's hurting him.

“CHANBAEK'S DATING! CHANBAEK IS FUCKING REAL!” Jimin shouted that startled Namjoon from his seat.

The leader knot his eyebrows in confusion as he crossed his arms over his chest while looking straight to his loud dongsaeng.

“How'd you know?” The leader asked the happy mochi who's jumping up and down around him.

“They announced it on the GC! How can you not know? Oh my god.” Jimin faked a cry but smile evily after, “Just wait and JinMin will be announced soon!” From mochi to daddy real quick.

Namjoon just rolled his eyes and clicked on the said groupchat. It's a groupchat where all boygroups are in; BTS, EXO, GOT7, SVT, NCT, BIGBANG, ASTRO, ALL THE KOREAN BOYGROUPS THAT YOU KNOW ARE THERE.

“Okay. So now that they're official, doesn't mean they can sexchat on the groupchat, right?” Namjoon asked while reading the chats.

Taehyung suddenly popped out of nowhere and is now sitting beside the leader, reading chats too.

“There are so many singles in the groupchat. How disrespectful!” Taehyung frowned.

At Seokjin and Yoongi's room.

“Hyung, I really wanna fuck you right now.” Yoongi whispered to Seokjin's ear that made the elder giggle.

“Well then, do me.”

Seokjin's voice was low and seductive and all Yoongi could think at that moment is to strip Jin immediately and plunged his hardened dick inside of the elder.

Yoongi rubbed his hands on Seokjin's sides while kissing him and biting on his neck. As long as he wanted to fuck his boyfriend senselessly and immediately, he doesn't want to hurt the elder by doing it.

He undo his pants and Jin's while licking the elder's hardened nipples and then licked lower, his tongue was now on Jin's V-line.

When he was about to tease and suck on Jin's dick, someone knocked on their door and he frustratedly ruffled his hair when Seokjin pushed him to did his pants, covered Yoongi with the blanket and open the door, revealing Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok.

“Time to eat! We prepared dinner!” They all shouted.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes, “I was about to eat Seokjin! Fucking cock blockers!”

The other five on the other hand were laughing at Yoongi's reaction when the door closed and Seokjin could only knot his brows in confusion.

“Teamwork makes the dream work!”

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