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Third Person's

“I already saw this coming.” The now awake Yoongi said, tears rolling from his eyes.

The other members looked at him with the same sadness on their eyes, cheeks tear streaked, and lips chapped. All shocked and curious about what Yoongi was talking about.

“What do you mean?” Taehyung asked, wiping his tears.

Yoongi took a deep inhale before exhaling to release some pain he’s feeling inside his chest but it’s too excruciating that he found himself having a hard time to breathe.

“I had this dream about Seokjin..” Yoongi started, lowering his head. “It's from the very start where our stylist-noona was hired till now, the only difference is that.. Seokjin and I broke up.” He sighed. “I thought that if we broke up, this accident wouldn't happen. Cause on my dream, when I chose to fight for our relationship in public, Seokjin got into an accident..” Yoongi choked out a sob, “and he died there.”

The other members gasped at this, “How did you know that your dream was slowly turning into reality, hyung?” Jimin asked, trying not to cry more and just waited for the latter's answer.

“When the stylist-noona was hired, when Jungkook and Hoseok threw a crumpled paper on me while I was kissing Jin inside the van, and when Namjoon intentionally spilled the water unto Jin's pants and wiped his crotch with a tissue. That's the last straw.” Yoongi explained further more.

“But why did you broke up with him if you know it'll hurt him more than anything else?”

“I thought it would keep him safe.. I wanted to save him.” Yoongi choked out an strangled sob, looking down, and feeling guilty.

He thought that he's the main reason why all of this happen, that he was the cause of this chaotic events that had happened in their lives. He's feeling all guilty and insecure.

“I was wrong, I couldn't save him, I'm so worthless, I d-don't deserve his l-love.. I'm very sorry.” Yoongi started apologizing, bitting his lower lip until it gushed out blood, and frustratedly pulled his hair.

The other members just look at the crying Yoongi, feeling guilty that they judged the latter at the very first place when in fact, he just wanted to save their lovely hyung.

They can't contain their feelings that they just wanted to feel numb already. They can't believe it. They didn't know that dreams can happen in real life. And they're very sorry that Yoongi and Seokjin are the victims of it..

The long time couple who was so happy and lively before, making them jealous and wished they could be Yoongi and all. But didn't thought how the elder was so hurt about this. They're so selfish.

They should've been contented on seeing Seokjin's happy smile, and beautiful laugh. The way their hyung would wake them up and put efforts to make them breakfast. The way Seokjin talks, the way Yoongi and Seokjin loves each other.. they feel so selfish.

“We're so sorry, Yoongi-hyung. but I still hate you for hurting Jin-hyung.” Taehyung said guiltily before looking away.

“Was getting your noona pregnant still part of your dream?” Hoseok asked and waited for an answer.

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head, “No. I don't know, I was blinded by lust and I kind of felt I'm falling in love with her until I saw Jin crying and tried to ignore it. It's all coming back..”

“What's coming back?”

“My feelings, for Jin.”

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