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Third Person's

“Should I just ride you, hyung?”

Seokjin heaved a deep sigh, “You know you can't, Jimin-ah. We can't.” He said, his voice not being so audible but Jimin clearly heard him.

He felt his heart broke. Jimin felt like his world's crashing down, he's being rejected.. isn't he worth it?

He just wanted a night with Jin, he don't care if it's pure lust and there will be no love. He just wanted to feel like Seokjin is his and he is Seokjin's.

Just for a night.

“I'm sorry, hyung. I won't do this again, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. Goodnight.” Jimin felt the pain inside his throbbing heart, so he just faked a smile then proceeded to his and Hoseok's shared room.

But he got quickly pulled in a tight embrace. Seokjin couldn't stand seeing Jimin that way, he was so upset and hurt at the same time and Jin can say it because of the tears at the side of Jimin's eyes and the fake smile he gave.

Just when Jimin was about to pull out from the hug and push Seokjin away so he could already cry in his sleep, he felt something soft being placed at his neck but what shocked him the most was the fact that it's Jin's lips, savoring his neck.

“H-hyung..” The younger stuttered.

Jimin-ah,” Seokjin breathed to Jimin's neck that caused the latter to shake a little at the sensation.

Jimin barely choke out a, “W-what..” not even sounding like a question but more like a moan.

“Tonight, I'll surely treat you like a homework. I will slam you to the table and do you all night long..” The eldest huskily said then smirks.

He made Jimin sat on the table while undressing him in the process, still placing wet and soft kisses everywhere on the younger's body.

“Fuck, Jimin.. You aren't Medusa but you made me hard as a stone.” Jin groaned, already feeling impatient as he was struggling on unbuttoning his polo so with all of his force, he just ripped it out of his body.

Jimin then started to kiss his hyung's lips, this is what he dreamed for before, to kiss Kim Seokjin, and now it's happening. He's so blessed.

As he was peppering Jin's lips and face with his kisses, the elder couldn't take it anymore so he broke the kiss and stared intensely to Jimin's eyes.

He brought his three fingers in front of Jimin's lips with a smirk plastered on his gorgeous face, “Suck.” He commanded.

The small boy immediately sucked Jin's fingers, covering it with his saliva and when the taller was already satisfied.. he plunged the first digit inside the younger's tight hole making him whimpered at the new feeling.

Jin repeatedly thrust his fingers inside Jimin's until the younger felt okay and comfortable. He placed his cock in front of Jimin's hole and the latter's already anticipating at the feeling of Jin's large member inside of him.

Until.. Jiminie? Jin-hyung?”

“The fuck!?” Jin frustratedly muttered.

He picked up their clothes and Seokjin is now feeling stupid that he has been so impatient that he ripped his polo instead of just simply unbuttoning it.

“Oh, there you are.” Taehyung said, smiling.

“How can he smile if he fucking cockblocked us? Ugh..” Jimin murmured, gritting his teeth.

“Why are you shirtless, hyung? You look like a mess.”

“Uh, I suddenly felt hot so I thought that I should take my shirt off but I accidentally ripped it off and..” Seokjin explained then gulp when he saw that his bulge is still there and he couldn't stand the pain of his throbbing member anymore. “I need to go to the bathroom, go back to sleep, Tae. Jimin, goodnight. Let's continue it some other time, yeah?” He asked the smaller boy.

“Continue what?” Taehyung asked again, confused.

“The movie.”

Jimin eagerly nod his head, “Yeah, h-hyung.. the m-movie.”

Taehyung shrugged it off then did the thing that he wanna do that's why he woke up at the middle of the night and wander around the dorm, to drink water and to pee.

Jimin finally made his way to the room Hoseok and him shared then started to jerked off his problem on the bed, not minding that it's actually Hoseok's bed.

Taehyung, cockblocking since 1995.

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