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Third Person's

Seokjin wokes up when he heard the door creaks and saw his boyfriend entering their room with the scarf that's now on his hands.

Smiling, Seokjin greeted his boyfriend, Goodmorning, Yoongi-ah!” He blew a flying kiss to his boyfriend's direction only to be rejected when Yoongi lies down on his bed.

“Yeah, goodmorning to you too, hyung.” Then he closed his eyes.

Seokjin didn't know what happened and what to do. The day has just started yet his boyfriend's already in a bad mood.

Sighing deeply, the eldest made his way to Yoongi's bed then lay his body beside the second eldest. He wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist.

“Go away, hyung. I'm tired.”

Seokjin unconsciously pouted. Yoongi isn't like this to him even when he's tired. What's really happening to his boyfriend?

“I will make you feel better with my love.” Seokjin chirped, holding Yoongi's waist tighter.

The smaller boy rolled his eyes then harshly pushed Jin's arms away from him, “Just go away.”

“But Yoongi–”


“Oh– um. Okay then. I.. I'll just prepare breakfast for everyone.” Seokjin bit his bottom lip to make the pain on his heart lessen but it only made his throat dry.

Jin walked till he reached the kitchen. He tried to smile but failed when he saw Jungkook making his milk. He's too affected on what happened inside Yoongi and his shared room thag he can't even suppress a genuine smile.

“You okay, hyung?” Jungkook immediately asked as soon as he saw Jin's pained expression, he can see that his hyung looks like he would cry a any moment.

Seokjin, again, tried to fake a smile, but that only made him choke out a sob and cry.

The youngest made his way to Seokjin the hugged the elder tightly, rubbing circles around Seokjin's back to help the elder calm a bit but that didn't help.. the eldest just cried more.

Hyung.” Jungkook called out, his hands was on his hyung's chin, making him look at him. Hyung, look at me. Tell me what happened.”

Yoongi..” Seokjin started and couldn't finish because he started crying again.

He just can't bear the pain. Why is it too much? Last time he checked, they're still cuddling on Yoongi's bed. What the hell happened?

And if his boyfriend's just tired, couldn't he be still the cure?

Hearing Yoongi's name escaping from Seokjin's dry throat is enough to make Jungkook's blood boil.

“What did he do, hyung?” The younger asked again, this time, trying to be calm and hold his temper.

“It's okay, Jungkook. Just a little misunderstanding.” And finally, Seokjin smiled.

Jungkook sighed then sat on his chair again, “Just tell me if something bad happened, okay?”


Jungkook made coffee for Seokjin and gave it to the latter with a comforting smile which Seokjin had returned.

They started talking about everything. Their group achievements, the overwhelming fan chants when they're attending on a show or when they have concert, the unexpected awards, how they feel about the growing population of their lovely ARMYs, but most especially, Seokjin's lovelife.

The two were laughing about a joke Seokjin told Jungkook but stopped when Yoongi goes out of their room, overdressed. Cause hey, they don't have any schedule to attend and fulfill today, so what's with the outfit?

“Where are you going?” Jin asked then crossed his arms, demanding for an answer.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow but rolled his eyes afterwards, “I have a schedule set with an stylist-noona–” He wasn't able to finish his words when Seokjin interrupted.

“Really? Can I go with you? Let's go on a date after the schedule you have with the stylist-noona!” Seokjin excitedly chirped then clapped his hands like a child.

“Of course,”

“Cool! Wait for me–” The eldest was about to go to their shared room and get dressed when Yoongi stopped him.

“No. Of course not. Bye.”

And Seokjin suddenly felt like he's been stabbed with a knife countless times.

Why is Yoongi like that.. to me?


a/n; i red that some of you are curious why my birthday came out like that. but oh. thankyou for the greetings ❤ ily'all!

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