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Hyung, please, eat.”

Jungkook-ah, please just obey me. When I said no, then no.

I sighed as I slowly lose hope on making Jin-hyung eat atleast a bite of the food me and Hoseok-hyung made. They trusted me in doing this task and I couldn't just let myself miserably fail. This is for Jin-hyung's sake.

I tugged on his sweater lightly so that I can catch his attention, Hyung,” I murmured to him as I place my chin to his shoulder. “Don't starve yourself just because of Yoongi-hyung.” I continued, now rubbing his broad shoulders and back.

He weakly smiled to me then tapped my head carefully and gently, “But Yoongi isn't just a just, Jungkook. He's important, very important actually.” He tiredly said, sighing at the last word.

I gulped before pushing Jin-hyung away. I don't and I can't understand why Yoongi-hyung's so important to him when all the latter could do was to hurt him  wound him with his venomous words, and be a pain in the ass.

I don't know what are the reasons that's keeping Jin-hyung to still love Yoongi-hyung. Why is he so important? He can't even stay with Jin-hyung in 2minutes at the same room.

“But he hurted you.” I muttered under my breathe before looking at Jin-hyung's sad eyes once again. “He isn't worth it, he isn't worth crying for. Your tears, they're precious– too precious and you're going to shed it for him?” I asked, tone slightly rising.

“You're still young, Jungkookie, like a child that still needs his parents to be by his side, to be guided. You can't still understand anything about love–”

“Well, this child you are talking about can rub his dick all over your ass!” I shouted, cutting his words and pushing him to his own bed as I hovered over him.

Jin-hyung's eyes widened while I just stare at him with seriousness. I smirked, licking my lips as I scan his figure under me.

Jungkook, what–” I peck on his lips for him to stop talking and thank god, it worked.

I growled at him, “This child you are talking about is inlove with you from the very beginning.”

Jin-hyung sadly smiled, bitting his lower lip as if he would shed tears if he wouldn't. Still, he's the most handsome and beautiful person for me and for everyone.

If you're thinking that he's an overconfident person, then you're wrong, very wrong. Cause his confidence was like a downward spiral in reality.

He's doubting about his talents, his features, about the things he's doing. If he's doing it right or wrong, or if he's still pretty enough for everyone.. if he's worthy.

Every night after Yoongi-hyung and Jin-hyung broke up and we switched rooms, I'll always caught him crying, wiping his tears, or acting like he was fast asleep even if he's not and he can't.. he's pretending to be happy even if he's really not.

He's still thinking about our sake that he almost forgot about himself. He can't even eat properly, that's why he never filmed EATJIN since the last one.

Now that Christmas is near, I'm wishing for Jin-hyung's strength and happiness to be back. I love him and he deserves it.

“But Jungkookie–” His own words got cut off by a choked sob. He's crying, again.

I wiped his tears then tried to smile even if it came out fake, Shh, hyung, please don't cry. If you won't eat this,” I cupped his face with my hands before whispering to his ear, “I'll eat you instead.” I finished, my voice now husky and much clearer.

I feel him shivered under my touch but pushed me away gently, he looked into my eyes as he shyly murmur something inaudible, very inaudible actually and I couldn't read his lips too.

So I asked him again and this time, he answered more loudly yet unsure and confuse of himself, “EAT ME?”

I'm sure to myself that I look like an idiot smiling so widely, it's like I won lottery and Kim Seokjin's the prize. Hyung, what?” I repeated.

I need to know if he's sure or he's just playing with me and my freaking hormones.

“EAT ME, JUNGKOOK.” He said with his eyes now clouded with lust and horniness.

I smirked at him then nodded before winking and saying, “Will do it gladly.”

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