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Third Person's

Seokjin smiled as soon as he saw his boyfriend Yoongi who just got out from the shower and was now wearing his robe.

“Damn, Yoongi.. are you sitting on an F5 key?”

Yoongi turns around to look at his boyfriend, he crossed his arms in front of his chest then ask with his brows knotted, “What? Why?”

“Because that ass looks refreshing.” The elder said then smirked.

Yoongi felt his cheeks burn but he ignored it then acted normal. He threw the nearest thing on his place which was a notebook to Seokjin who's cackling at Yoongi's reaction.

“What the hell, hyung.” His boyfriend said then rolled his eyes.

“Language, Yoongs!” The eldest exclaimed with his brows narrowed.

Yoongi just shrugged it off then continued on finding a comfortable clothes that he will wear while Seokjin's just staring at him, checking him out from head to toe.

The busy boy noticed his boyfriend's gaze at him then clicked on his tongue. Seokjin can be a pervert sometimes.

“Hyung, I'm going to get dress here.” He said then frowned.

Seokjin smiled at him, “Keep going.”

Yoongi almost choked at his boyfriend's words. Hyung, you need to get out.”

“Hush, I'm here to watch.” Seokjin winked at him.

But Yoongi just pushed the elder outside their shared room then sticked his tongue out. Seokjin could only laugh at Yoongi's childishness. He isn't always moody like how the fans knew him.

Jin made his way to the kitchen and saw Hoseok aka J-Hope there who's making himself a hot choco.. he made himself comfortable beside the walking sunshine then smile.

“Hi, hyung.” Hoseok greeted, breaking the silence Seokjin had loved.

“Hey, Hobi.. aren't you bored?” The eldest asked.

Hoseok nodded, “Actually, I am. Do you want to play a game, hyung?”

Seokjin smiled widely at the dancer's idea. He jumped from his seat then hugged the smiling member.

Hoseok smirked, here he comes with the #OperationBreakTheYoonJinCouple and #OperationMake2seokReal.

“We'll play at my room, hyung.”

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