Homecoming Game

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I've never been the type to watch football.

I just don't see the appeal to it. Dad loves it and he likes to watch it with me, but all I do is sit there and pretend to know what's going on. I always found ways to get out of going to school football games by saying I have school work or some other event going on, but this week, I couldn't get out of it.

Surprise surprise: I was elected to be the male freshman representative on the homecoming court. 

So now here I was: sitting in the chilly October weather at a football game. I was uncomfortable and freezing. Mom forced me to wear a fancy tuxedo for the event and it is not made of a very warm material. The rest of the homecoming royalty looked like they were having a blast; I don't know what they could possibly find fun about this.

I fidgeted with my sash and sighed. How long do these things last? I want to go home! Gods...this is humiliating! Being homecoming royalty doesn't really help this whole "Prince of the School" thing...

As I was moping in self-pity, the female freshman rep slid next to me. "You having fun?" she asked.

I turned to her. "No, not really."

The girl laughed and tossed her reddish-brown hair over her shoulder. "Wow! Someone's honest!" She held her hand out to me. "I don't think we've ever been able to properly introduce ourselves. I'm Katie."

I smiled and shook her hand. "I'm Chrom, nice to meet you." Wait a second... I brought my hand to my chin and thought for a moment. "You're in my Student Leadership class, aren't you?"

Katie winked at me. "Took ya long enough!" She laughed. "I sit right behind you!"

I laughed as well and facepalmed. "I'm so sorry! My mind has just been in shambles for the past few days so I've been distracted," I said. "Once again, I'm sorry."

Katie dismissed me with her hand. "It's alright." We stayed silent for a few minutes. "AHEM! So, did you know that we're the only two freshmen in our class?"

"Hmm, no. No, I didn't. Interesting..."

Katie waited for me to say something else, but I remained silent. "W-well, at least you can take comfort in knowing that we're in the same boat!"

"Uh huh."

I didn't want to come off as rude, but I honestly wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now.

All of a sudden, a loud buzzer went off; signaling the end of the second quarter.

"Thank the gods... It's almost over!" I went to stand up, but Katie stopped me.

"Hey, Chrom. I need to ask you something."

I sat back down. "Sure, what is it?"

Katie opened her mouth to speak, but the tapping of a drum stole my attention. I looked back to the field and saw that the marching band was heading out. I smiled at focused completely on them.

"Ooh! Can it wait?" I requested. "I've always liked watching the marching band perform. My older sister was in it when she was in high school, so I like seeing what they can do!"

Katie groaned and leaned back. "Sure, whatever..."

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer's voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "Please welcome Ylisse High School's marching band!" The crowd in cheered. "This evening, our band will be playing a tribute to video games; starting off with the Main Theme of The Legend of Zelda!"

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now