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"So, you ready for try-outs?" Olivia asked me as I took a cobalt flag out of the flag-box and handed it to her.

"Yeah, I think so." I took a flag for myself and turned to her. "I mean, they're next week so we have some time to prepare."

Olivia nodded and began to walk. "True."

I gave her a playful smirk, nudging her side. "You're totally gonna get in! Again! You did it last year, you go to a million different dance lessons, and you're the most graceful person on the team!"

"Not true! You're better than me by a landslide!"


We both laughed and continued our journey through the hallways. Today was our last Guard clinic before try-outs. I remember being so nervous when going to these last year. Now, I feel confident and ready; plus, I have a friend this time!

Olivia was the only other freshman besides me that joined the Guard last year. I never really talked to her at first, but she was always so kind to me. We didn't really become friends until after I started opening up to people. With her and hopefully Chrom, I'll finally have my own friend group for marching band!

As we entered the courtyard, our old section leader approached us. "I'm so glad you two could make it!" She smiled. "I'm just debriefing with some of the juniors about leadership roles and the freshmen about other things. You two can go off and stretch while you wait. This should take about 15 minutes."

"Yes, ma'am!" We said in sync.

We found a secluded corner in the courtyard and set our flags against a wall.

"Should we do floor stretches first?" Olivia asked.

I pulled out my phone, nodding. "Yeah, sounds good." I turned up the volume opened up my music library.

Olivia giggled and began to stretch her legs. "Why do we always have to use your music?"

I did the same as her and rolled my eyes. "Because I'm the only one who remembers to bring her phone." I stuck my tongue out at her. "Plus, my taste in music is the best!"

"I bet the first song that plays will be either a Fall Out Boy or Panic! song! Those are the only two bands you ever seem to listen to!"

I found my workout playlist and prepared to hit shuffle. "Hey, I listen to other bands!"

"But they're all alternative rock!"

"Not true!"

"Oh, right. You also listen to swing."

"Swing will never die, Olivia."

She laughed and leaned forward to better stretch her legs and core. "Whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes for what seemed to be the hundredth time. "And it's electro swing, you peasant." I hit shuffle. Of course, a Fall Out Boy song decided to play.

"Like I was saying-"

"Shut up and stretch."

She laughed and we continued on. 

I decided to pick the small talk back up. "I've been thinking about dying my hair."

Olivia lifted her head and looked at me. "I see," she nodded, "what color?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe red? I think that'll look cool." I crossed my legs and leaned forward. "The only problem with that is my inner demons are screaming at me for ruining the aesthetic of our blue uniforms."

Olivia nodded. "Yeah. And it'll be hard to blend colors with your hair; you're such a dark brunette," she said. "Maybe a dark blue? I think it'll blend really well and fade into a pretty color. What are you trying to go for?"

I released a breath as the music changed to an Imagine Dragons song. Do I really listen to nothing but alternative rock? Oh well, I like these bands and they got me through all my tough times. "I don't want to go full-head. I could never pull that off. I just want the tips dyed; maybe get that ombre look."

"That'll look really nice." Olivia started to do her unhumanly impossible gymnastic stretches. I will never get over how flexible she is. "Plus if you dye it blue, you can match your best friend."

I blushed averted my eyes from her gaze. "M-maybe!"

"How is he taking to drumline? Do you think he'll get in?"

I composed myself and looked up. "Hopefully. He really likes it so far," I smiled. "I didn't get a chance to catch him when school ended because he was rushing to the band room. I believe he has taken a liking to the cymbals."

Olivia dropped into a split like it was nothing. "That's good! We always need more cymbal players! And it'll be really cool to have him in the band!"

"Yeah!" The song changed to a song from The Greatest Showman. "Ha! Take that! I also listen to showtunes!"

She gave me a playful pout. "Whatever. When are his try-outs?" she asked

I stood up and began to stretch my upper-body. "Same day as ours," I replied.

She followed me and crossed her right arm across her chest, supporting it with her left. "Does...does his father know?"

I sighed and stretched my arm over my head. "No, he hasn't told him, yet." I bit my lip nervously. "He really needs to tell him. And soon."


We stretched for about five more minutes, and then we were called to join the rest of the group.

I put my phone away and picked up my flag. "Well, you ready show everyone how this is done?"

Olivia smiled and nodded. "Let's go!"


I actually did get my tips dyed red last week XD. I give you an accurate representation of my actual music library. It is literally nothing but alternative rock, show tunes, and Vocaloid. So I'm gonna apologize again. I'm going to be super busy my Spring Vacation and will literally have no time to write. I promise that I will try writing a chapter for next week, but I don't know if there will be an update for Before Awakening next week. Trust me when I say my life is going to become less chaotic really soon. Fingers crossed that I'll be less busy at the end of April. Oh! I would really appreciate if you checked out my April Prompts! They just started today. The first prompt is called "Soft Breeze". Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more. Also swing will never die ok bye.

Currently listening to: Thunder: Imagine Dragons

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now