You are Not Alone

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"Ahhh! You two are soooo cute!" One of Katie's friends squealed.

Katie squeezed my arm and smiled. "I know! Thanks!"

"Haha, thanks..."

The Winter Ball was finally here. Instead of eagerly awaiting it like I thought I would, I found myself in a somewhat cruddy mood about it. I couldn't figure out why.

"C'mon, Chrom. Let's go find my other friends!" Katie tugged at my arm.

I sighed and followed her reluctantly. "I have friends I want to see, too, ya know."

"Whatever. We'll get to them later." Katie ignored me and pushed her way through the crowded gymnasium.

After talking to her swooning friends for what seemed to be forever, I caught the sight of Frederick out of the corner of my eye. "Ah! Frederick! Over here!" I called to him.

Frederick smiled and walked over to us. "Hello, you two!" he greeted us. "How are you lovebirds doing?"

I blushed and looked down. "Um, we're fine-"

"We're fantastic! Thanks for asking, Frederick!" Katie answered for us. "How about you?"

"Oh, I'm quite alright, thank you," he replied. "Well, I don't want to keep you two any longer! Enjoy yourselves!"

"Wait, no! Don't lea-"

Katie squeezed my arm once more. "Chrom, I'm thirsty. Can we get some punch?" She gave me puppy-dog eyes that were in no way shape or form cute.

You're giving me a headache, Katie..."Fine, let's go." I lead her to the concessions table.

Katie took the cup I handed her and began to sip it. "Thanks, babe. You're the best!" She winked.

"Er, you're welcome..."

Just then, the look of disgust painted her face. "Ugh, look who's here." Katie pointed at someone behind me. Heading to the punch bowl was Anna.

I blushed as soon as I saw her. She was wearing a dress the exact same style as Katie but in a different color. While Katie was decked out in fancy jewelry and a gold dress, Anna wore a simple white dress without jewelry.

"Oh. My. Gods. Can you believe her?!" Katie hissed. "How dare she wear the same style dress as me!"

I turned back to her. "It's just a dress." The look Katie gave me told me I screwed up.

"Just a dress?! Oh, this is more than just a dress! In fact, how dare she even come!" Katie ranted. "She thinks she's soooo much better than everyone! She barely shows emotions, and she's extremely rude to everyone!"

I frowned. "Katie, calm down! It's not nice to say those things! I think she's fine just the way she is!"

Katie stared daggers into me. Then, she smirked wickedly. "Follow my lead," she demanded.

"What?" I don't like where this is going...

Anna poured herself a cup of punch, ignoring both me and Katie.

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now