Cat Fight

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"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet." Mrs. Roth waltzed around the room, book in hand and reciting the most famous monologue from Romeo and Juliet. "What does this mean? What is Juliet asking of Romeo?"

I immediately shot my hand into the air. A smile quirked on Mrs. Roth's lips, but she didn't call on me. "Anyone other than Anna?" Silence. "No one? Really? Honestly, I expected more for an Honors class. Very well. Tell the class what it means, Anna."

"Juliet is upset because she shouldn't love Romeo just because of his name. Her family would disapprove of their love not because of who Romeo is as a person, but because of his family's name. So, in the line: wherefore art thou Romeo? she is asking why he has to be Romeo and not some other person."

Mrs. Roth nodded. "Very good, Anna. You seem to be well versed in Shakespeare's works."

I nodded and tried to hide my blush. "W-well, Romeo and Juliet is a popular play to talk about during theatrical lessons..."

"Ah, yes. Because she is sooo much better and more advanced than everyone else simply because she knows Shakespeare! I'm so amazed!" Katie groaned.

Mrs. Roth frowned. "Enough of that, Katie. Besides, I don't hear anyone else making suggestions. Would you like to volunteer to share your interpretation?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "No, ma'am. I'm sorry."

"Good." Mrs. Roth turned around and started to write on the whiteboard. "Now, let's talk about the use of language here..." The rest of her words were drowned out by Katie and her friends talking.

"I'm just confused because of this stupid Old English stuff! That's why I'm so irritable! I'm so jealous of people that understand this stuff naturally that it's hard to control what I say!" Katie whispered in an innocent tone. Everyone around her nodded and agreed, telling her that it was ok and not her fault.

Is this girl for real?! I shouldn't say anything but gods is it hard to resist. After about a minute of hearing Katie complain, I decided to turn around. "Actually, none of Shakespeare's works are in Old English. In fact, they are actually in Modern English; just an older form of it. So as long as you listen and use context clues, it's easy to decipher most of his works." I didn't even want to see her reaction. I just turned back around and focused back on the lesson.


"Hey, Ice Queen." Katie's voice was sharp and demanding. "We need to talk."

I groaned as I shut my locker and turned to Katie. "What about?"

"You are spending way too much time with my boyfriend," she said. "It is making me very uncomfortable and I would like you to stop."

I raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend? I didn't know you had a boyfriend. If so, he certainly never told me about you. Even then, I have no idea who you're talking about."

Katie looked like she was about to scream. "You know exactly who I'm talking about!"


"Chrom!" She stomped her foot.

"Oooh!" I laughed. "Yeah, nope. He's not your boyfriend."

"Is too!"

I sighed. "No, he's not. You just like to say he is. If he really did have a girlfriend, he would have told me. Especially if it was you."

Katie's fingers dug into her palms. "Listen here, you b*tch." She got really close. "Chrom is mine. Ever since you came into the picture, Chrom and I have been drifting apart. You are ruining our chance at a relationship. I don't need an ugly nobody taking him from me."

Rage bubbled within me. "I want Chrom to be happy. And I'm not trying to take him away from anyone. He belongs to no one. The reason you two have been drifting apart is that you're a real jerk!"

"Why you..." She glanced around and saw that some people were listening in on our conversation. She played with her hair and flashed a fake smile. "Haha! You're so funny!" She got closer once more. "You are going to regret this. You are going to regret coming to my school. Watch out, Ice Queen. The Princess shall dethrone you and take the Prince - who is rightfully mine - away from you."

I stared daggers into her. "Well, I look forward to the fight. I won't fall victim to people like you ever again. Rage all the wars you want. I won't fall down."

And with that, I turned on my heels and stalked away from her. Never again. Never. Again. You want to fight the bull? Well, you better prepare for the horns.

I'M SO SORRY THIS WAS LATE! I'M DUMB AND DISTRACTED. I NEED TO SET ALARMS. Also, this was the very first time I semi-cursed in one of my works. Sorry, I had to censor myself 😂. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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