First Year Down

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Anxiety pumped through my veins. My hands were sweaty and throat dry. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest.

Then, an orange envelope was placed on my desk. I swallowed thickly.

This is it...

With shaking hands, I opened the envelope and withdrew the paper inside. I was almost too scared to look. Drawing in a breath, I read the contents.

Komodori, Anna Raven
Semester 2 Final Exam Scores:

Advanced Math: 89%
Honors English: 92%
Foods: 98%
Basics of Psychology: 96%
Choir: 100%
Science: 88%

Final Class Grades:

Advanced Math: A-
Honors English: A
Foods: A
Basics of Psychology: A+
Choir: A+
Science: A-

Class Rank: 13

A relieved sigh escaped my lips. Everything felt light and fuzzy.

I did it... I did it! I got straight A's! I passed! 


"There's our overachiever!" Sully slung her arm over my shoulders. "I heard you're in the Top 20 of our class! That's dope!"

I blushed, looking down. "Th-thank you!"

"I'm impressed!" Gaius chuckled. "I couldn't do that even if I tried!"

Cordelia nudged his side. "You didn't try!"

"Hey! I'm a pass-fail guy!"

Vaike rolled his eyes. "But he is the top ranking freshman when it comes to technology."

I turned to Gaius, surprised. "Really?"

He shrugged. "It is what it is. I just so happened to be at the top. No big deal."

"It is a big deal!" Sumia exclaimed.

"Hey, guys!" Chrom jogged up to us. "Sorry I'm late, my class was on the other side of the school."

"It's alright," I smiled. I looked around at everyone, releasing a breath. "This...this school year is really over?"

Sully nodded. "It went by so fast! I can hardly believe it!"

"So much has changed..." Stahl sighed.

I fidgeted with my hands. "I just... Thank you all. So much," I chocked. "You all have given me so much to live for. I'm so glad I met all of you."

"Awww! We love you, too!" Sumia exclaimed. Everyone came in for one last hug.

Cordelia looked at her phone. "Ah, Sums, our ride is here." She smiled at us, waving goodbye. "I'll see you guys later! Have a great summer!"

"My brother's probably waiting for me. See you guys!" Stahl waved.

One by one, our friends left until Chrom and I were the only ones left.

I kicked at the ground. "So..."

"So." Chrom rested his arm on my head. "Did you have a good year?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Despite all the drama, yes. I did," I breathed. "Wanna walk home?"

"Yeah, let's go."

We walked in silence for a little bit. Neither of us minded, though. We were happy to just be with each other.

"Thank you for becoming my friend, even though I was a stubborn ass," I finally said.

Chrom smirked. "You still are a stubborn ass." I smacked him. "Sorry! Sorry!" he laughed. "In all seriousness, it was the least I could do. You've become my best friend. You mean a lot to me."

Smiling, I linked our arms. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

There's something about saying platonic I love you's that really makes the friendship stronger. 

Almost too quickly, we approached my house. Chrom pulled me into a hug. "I'll see you around?"

I returned the hug. "For sure. We'll still see each other regularly because of marching band."

"Can't wait."

I pulled away and smiled up at him. "Have a great summer, Prince."

He rolled his eyes. "You too, Ice Queen."

As I watched him walk away, the feeling of warmth spread through my heart.

I survived. I kicked freshman year's ass! So much has changed and happened. I can't wait to see what next year brings!

Watch you, Ylisse High School! You've got a new bunch of sophomores in town!


And thus, freshman year is over! Thank you all soooooo much for reading! I really can't thank you enough. This was an experiment I wanted to try, and I was honestly very skeptical about it at first. But now, I can see that it worked phenomenally! This year has been filled with changes in my writing and so many other things. I can happily say that this year was a success. Once again, thank you all so much. This would not be possible without any of you. Your support has gotten me through so much. Thank you. If you're curious about my next plans, go to the next chapter and you'll find out! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to the future!

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now