The Truth

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"Nice job today, Chrom!" 

"Thanks, Veronica!" I put the cymbals back into the bag and placed them on the shelf.

Veronica, one of the graduating seniors and section leaders of the drumline, walked over to me and placed her arm on my head. She was ridiculously tall. "Try-outs are in a few days. How are you feeling?"

I ducked down and removed her arm. Huh, now I know how Anna feels whenever I do that. "I'm pretty nervous, actually," I sighed. "I haven't even told my parents about it!"

She pulled her long, lilac hair back into a ponytail. "Yikes. You better get on that." She looked at the clock hanging in the middle of the morgue. "Dammit! I have to get to tennis practice! I'll see ya later, Chrom!"

"Bye!" I waved after her as she ran off. Gods, I really need to tell Dad soon...


I set my bookbag on a chair in the den and let out a hearty sigh. "I'm exhausted..."

Dad stepped into the den, a strange look on his face. "Hey, Chrom. How was school?"

...Something smells fishy. "Um, good?" I choked out.

His lips stretched into a thin line. "Was the football clinic fun?" he asked.


Oh no.

I cleared my throat. "U-uh! Yeah! It was great!" I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.

He kept that neutral look on his face. "Oh? Interesting. Well, it's funny, Coach David just told me that you haven't been to a single one!"

And there it is. "I-I can explain-"

"Honestly, Chrom!" Dad groaned. "I expected more from you! Where the hell have you been?! Why are you skipping the practices?!"


"Are you too lazy to do it? Is that what this is?"


"Or are you skipping to hang out with the wrong crowd?"

"Dad, please-"

"I thought you were better than this, Chrom. I am very disappointed in you."


That caught his attention. We locked eyes for a few seconds, waiting for the other to say or do something.

Finally, I let out a breath and unclenched my fists. "I haven't been skipping them to go to a place you don't approve of. I'm not hanging out with any bad people. I promise."

He crossed his arms. "Then where have you been?" He raised an eyebrow.

I scratched the back of my head. "W-well, I've been going to the drumline clinics instead..."

His demeanor immediately changed; his shoulders losing the tenseness. "Drumline? As in-"

"Marching band, yes." I interrupted. "Dad, I really don't want to play football. I hate it. I hate it with a passion."

His eyes clouded with sadness. "But you always seemed so eager to watch it with me! And you were also so happy to go to the practices!"

"I was faking it." Biting my lip, I averted my gaze and dug my fingers into my palms. "I just wanted to make you happy and proud of me! That's all I wanted!" I brought my sleeve to my eyes and wiped away some tears. "But...I just couldn't force myself to enjoy something I'm not passionate about. I couldn't deprive someone else who is way more passionate about this sport than me a spot on the team. I-I wouldn't be giving it my all and I would let everyone down."


I straightened and looked him dead in the eye. "But marching band is something I know I can be passionate about! There's just something about crashing those cymbals and hearing all of the drums beat together that makes me excited! It makes me feel like we're all unified!" Every word I said made me want to throw up. I've never stood up to Dad like this. Ever. 

"And if you're disappointed in me because I chose to be in marching band instead of football...then fine. I can get through it." It felt like there was a huge rock in my throat. I was barely even thinking about what I was saying. "But...this is the truth. I understand that you're mad at me and that's fine. Honestly, all I want is to make you proud...and I promise I can do that with something other than football."

Silence. No one spoke for at least a minute.

Then, Dad let out a breath and made me sit down next to me, keeping a hand on my shoulder. "Son, I'm already very proud of you." He gave me a small smile. "I just wish you would have told me sooner! I would never have made you try-out if you didn't want to! If you want to be in drumline, then you better become the best damn drummer there is!"

I laughed as my pent up anxiety fluttered away. "Technically I'm trying out for cymbals, but thank you."

He playfully punched my side. "Whatever. I don't know instruments." He ruffled my hair. "I'm going to support you no matter what you do, you know that, right?"

My heart warmed at his words. "Thanks, Dad. I'm really glad to hear that."

"So, when are try-outs?"

I perked up at his question. "A few days, actually! I really think I'm cut out for this stuff! According to some of the members, at least."

I'm so glad he was able to understand. I guess I was worried for nothing. My next big challenge: getting into the damn thing!


Sorry this was posted a bit late. I was running around all morning and I didn't have time to sit down and prepare this. FYI: the morgue is not a place for dead bodies, it's where we keep all the instruments and stuff XD. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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