Finding a Way Out

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No no no...

I used all of my willpower to not crumple the paper in my hands. I seriously don't want to do this. Why does Dad want me to play football so badly? I looked down at the football conditioning form. Seriously, none of this sounds fun.

I took my sweet time walking through the empty halls. The field is going nowhere. I heard footsteps coming from the west hall and I prepared to say a polite hello and then avoid eye contact.

"Oh, Chrom!" Anna's voice chimed

"Anna?" I looked up and saw...Anna? She looked nothing like I was used to. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, she was wearing a sports tank-top and shorts, and there was a cobalt flag tucked into her forearm.

I didn't know what to say. My mouth was really dry all of a sudden and I couldn't form words. What is going on?! Just say something!!!

"Err, cat's got your tongue?" she giggled.

I quickly regained my senses and smiled. "Oh, s-sorry. I'm just..."

"Not used to this getup?" She popped her hip and laughed. "With how warm it has been, I thought it was finally time to dress for it."

My eyes drew themselves to the flag in her arm. "Y-yeah, but why are you dressed like you're ready to play a sport?"

She gave me a curious look. Then, she gasped in shock. "Oh! Have I not told you?" She face-palmed. "Silly me. I'm in the school marching band! Colorguard, actually. Ya know, flag twirling?"

My heart jumped as memories recalled themselves.

As I watched the band perform, someone caught my eye. One of the girls in the Colorguard looked oddly familiar... 

She was smiling the biggest smile of anyone else on that field. I looked around at the other flag twirlers and noted that some of their smiles looked forced: not hers, though. She was genuinely happy.

"Y-you're in Colorguard?!" I sputtered. It WAS her! I knew it! Anna was the girl that caught my eye on the homecoming game!

Anna unrolled the flag with ease and struck a pose, smiling. "And proud to be! I can't believe I never told you!" She relaxed and wrapped the cobalt silk around herself like a blanket. "The season hasn't really started, yet, but there are a few open clinics for the sections before tryouts. That's where I'm headed right now."

I nodded and fell into step with her. "I see." Just wow. I never expected Anna to be the type of person to do all that dancey and performing stuff! "W-well, I'm really surprised! What got you interested in Guard?"

She sighed. "Well, I was gonna do it at my old school, but that clearly didn't work out. When I transferred here, they let me try out and I got in. It always looked really cool to me and I wanted to be a part of something big. To be able to tell a story without words."

She glanced down at the paper in my hand. "I didn't know you were into football."

"I'm not!" I groaned. "Dad is making me go to the clinics and tryouts! He really wants me to play football!"

Anna placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Have you told him that you don't want to do it?"

"You don't know my father," I sighed. "He is the most stubborn person you will ever meet. He keeps telling me that I'll learn to love it as much as him."

"That's unfair!"

I shook my head and looked at the ground. "I just want to find a way to make him proud... If I have to suffer through a sport I hate to do that, then I will..."

Anna thought for a moment. "Hey, does it have to be football?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You should join marching band. We're always looking for new members."

"What?!" I blurted. "But I don't play an instrument!"

She smiled at me. "Trust me, a lot of people who don't play an instrument through the school are in the program." We turned down a hallway, and the sound of people talking and drums pounding could be heard. "You should tryout for drumline. You'd be perfect for it."

We stopped outside of the band room. Should I do marching band? I mean, I've always liked them and what they do. Plus, I will be doing something at football games. Emm was in it her high school career; she was even one of the drum majors! And it would be nice to have more activities involving Anna...

Anna placed one hand on the door. "So, what do you say?"

I glanced at the football information sheet once more. If I go to the clinics, I wouldn't be able to do the football practices... Almost as if some divine force decided to help me, a strange feeling stirred inside of me. ...I'm already the Prince of The School. I'm not going to become the cliche popular kid on the football team. I'm writing my own story.

I crumpled the paper and threw it into a nearby trash can, turning back to Anna. "Let's go."

She smiled widely. "I'm so glad to hear it."

She opened the door, and I could already tell that I was about to join something amazing.


And so her secret is revealed! This is a true story, I actually am in my school's Colorguard. Practices for it have just started up again and I've been so excited to be able to perform again. Oh! I forgot to mention! Four long months you have been waiting, but my April Prompts will be starting up next week! I'm so excited! So not only will you have a chapter of HSY, but you'll also have the prompt Soft Breeze. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more.

Also, does it mean anything when you randomly wake up at like 3 AM and Loca the Pug is stuck in your head? Do I need help? XD

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