The Perfect Pair

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"Ugghhh... I'm bored..." I groaned.

"Hanging upside down on the couch won't help, dear." Mom rolled her eyes and continued to wash a dish.

I was dizzy from the rush of blood to my head but didn't really care. "Well, I have nothing else better to do!"

"Why don't you help Lissa prepare the house for Emm's party?" She suggested.

I shook my head, wincing in pain. "Liss yelled at me for helping cuz I can't do anything right." I sat up. "So, I have nothing to do."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you then!"


As if right on cue, I received a text message from Anna.

"I'm going to the movie theatre. You wanna come with?"

I smiled at my phone. As I was about to ask Mom for permission, she sighed and chuckled. "Yes, you can go with your friend to the movies. Her mom already texted me about it this morning."

"When did you get Anna's Mom's phone number?"

"She gave it to me when she came over that one time! We talked outside for a bit while you two were distracted." She smiled. "You two seem to get along well. You thinking about asking her out someday?"

I blushed. "Well-no! Absolutely not!" I stood up and began to run up the stairs. "Shut up!"

Mom laughed in response. "Get ready, weirdo! I'm taking you there in a half hour!"

I slammed my door shut and pouted. "Whatever... I've never going to date her, anyway..." Wait...if the plans for this were made earlier this morning, then why did Anna wait until the afternoon to tell me?


"Hey!" Anna greeted me as she opened the door.

"Hey." I stepped inside. "Thanks for inviting me over."

She smiled and closed the door. "It's no problem!" She led me inside and into the living room. "Mom's just finishing up some work in her office. We'll get going, soon."

I sat down next to her. "Great! So, what are we seeing?"

Anna shrugged. "Dunno. We usually just go to the theatre and pick what seems the most interesting."

I nodded and fidgeted with my hands. "Sounds cool. Hey, why did-"

"You kiddos ready to go?" I woman with dark brown hair and grey eyes entered the room.

Anna stood up. "Yeah, we're ready Chrom, this is my mom; Mom, Chrom."

Mrs. Komodori smiled at me. "Well, it's nice to finally have a face behind the name!" She shook my hand. "I'm Ms. Komodori. But you can call me Evelina."

"I-it's nice to meet you as well!"

"Well, there's no use of waiting around let's get going!"


"Alright, the movie starts in an hour," Evelina said. "You two can wander around the mall for a while. Just make sure you meet back here."

Anna nodded. "Ok, Mom! See ya!" She gestured for me to follow her. "C'mon, there's a sale at Hot Topic and I need to get there as soon as possible."

I laughed and walked alongside her. "Of course you shop there! Is there an end to your edge?"

She looked me dead in the eye. "There is never enough edge."

We continued to laugh and make jokes. It felt nice. It's nice to see Anna so happy. She really deserves it.

However, that all ended when I saw a certain girl with her friends. The blood drained from my face as Katie waltzed by. Uh oh... 

"Chrom, what's wrong?" Anna placed a hand on my shoulder.


"What?! She's here?!"

"Uh huh..." I began to walk faster. "We need to get out of here."

Anna nodded. "Let's roll."

Out of some random burst of energy, I took Anna's hand and began to run. She was confused by my actions, but laughed and ran with me. It felt...nice. I felt like nothing could stop us. I was happy, and she was happy. I couldn't have asked for more.

Once we were out of Katie's sights, we collapsed on a bench and continued to laugh until our stomachs hurt. 

"You're insane!" Anna wiped away a tear and clutched her stomach.

"So are you. Maybe that's why we make such an excellent pair!" I winked.

Anna blushed and fidgeted with one of the charms on her purse. "W-well, we're right outside of the store! Shall we go in?"

I smiled and helped her up. "Yeah, let's go."

Ah! I forgot to ask her about why she didn't inform me of this outing earlier! Oh well, I'll get to it eventually...


Dooooooorks. Once again, I'm super sorry that there wasn't an update last week. I promise that I'll be more on top of things in the future. That being said, my life is gonna get pretty crazy within the next few months. I will find time to write and keep this updated, I promise. February will probably be the worst of it. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more! Have a happy new year!

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