Looking For Talent

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The next few days were beyond awkward.

I couldn't listen to Anna without hearing her beautiful singing voice. I could barely look her in the eye. Whenever I'm around her...I feel like I'm about to explode. My heart starts racing, my throat tightens, and my hands get all clammy. I don't know what's going on...

Maybe the change in weather is getting to me... Yeah, that's it. Nothing else.

Halloween went by without any trouble, thank Naga. Even though she's in middle school and almost a teenager; I went trick-or-treating with Lissa. I can't help it, she's my little sister and I need to protect her. Time was passing quickly. Too quickly. I've been in high school for almost two months, but it seems like only yesterday that it started.

Things with Katie have been...interesting.

She constantly flirts with me and disrupts my conversations to talk to me. A lot. Whenever we have to do a group project in Student Leadership, she always claims me as her partner. I like her, I really do. But I'm not really sure if I feel the same way that she feels about me. 

Everything is just so confusing.

Gah...what should I do? Why are girls so complicated? Maybe I should talk to Katie. Yeah, hopefully, that'll clear some things-

"Alright, everyone! Pay attention!" Mrs. Troy clapped her hands together. "The Winter Formal is the first big event Student Leadership is hosting! Because of that, I want all of you to have your thinking caps on and ready to work. We have only a month to plan this, and we cannot let any time go to waste!"

"Yes, Mrs. Troy," The entire class groaned.

Katie's hand shot up. "Mrs. Troy? Where are we getting the money for the Winter Formal?"

"Ah, I was just about to get to that!" Mrs. Troy smiled. "We're hosting a talent show this weekend! All of the proceeds will go towards the Formal! Everyone, your job today is to find at least one person to participate in the talent show, alright? The more acts we have, the more money we make!"

The bell rang, and everyone got up to leave. "Remember! The talent show is this Saturday! Have a great day!"

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and began to exit. Of course, as soon as I entered the hallway, Katie caught me.

"Hey, Chrom." She twirled one of her brown locks. "Do you want to scout for talent with me during free period? I'm sure we can find a bunch of acts if we work together."

I shook my head and attempted to escape. "Sorry, Katie, but I have stuff to do during free period." As I began to walk away, she grabbed my hand.

"Chrom, we need to talk."

I gulped. "A-about what?"


Heat rushed to my cheeks. "What?!"

Katie crossed her arms. "The whole school thinks that you and I are dating. I think it's about time that we made that rumor true."

"Wait, what?!" My head was spinning. "I, um, K-Katie, this is all really sudden!" I exclaimed. "Err, can I have some time to think about this?"

She gave me the death glare. "Ugh, fine," she groaned. "But I want your answer quick, got it?"

"G-got it..." I swiftly turned away and escaped from her sight. A-am I even ready for a girlfriend...? Katie is nice and all...but I've never seen her as more than my friend... I REALLY need to think this over...


"You're more jumpy than usual." Anna scoffed at me as she wiped the counters.

I clenched my fist and tried not to look at her. "Since when do you care?"

"I don't." She chuckled. "I'm just pointing out the obvious."


A couple minutes later, our kitchen was clean. We sat down at the table to enjoy our ten minutes of free time since we finished our assignment so early. I pulled out my math notebook and began to do my homework while Anna took out a folder containing what I believed to be sheet music. I managed to catch a glimpse of one of the titles and confirmed my theory. I may not know music that well, but I at least know the names of some composers.

You know...I should ask her to be in the talent show... I opened my mouth to suggest it to her, but quickly closed it and blushed in embarrassment. Wait, no! I can't just ask her plainly! If I ask her, she'll know that I've heard her perform! Gahhh...how should I go about this?!

I cleared my throat and tried to look at her. My heart was racing a million beats per second. "H-hey, is that sheet music?" Smooth. Real smooth.

Anna looked up. "Yeah, why?"

Ok! We're getting somewhere. "Do you play an instrument?" Just keep asking questions. I can do this!

She hesitated for a moment but decided to reply. "I play the piano sometimes..."

I smiled kindly at her. "Ah! That's really cool!" Alright, now is the perfect time to ask her! "Um, there's a talent show being hosted this weekend." I reached into my bag and handed her a flyer. "You should participate in it! I heard that it's going to be a lot of fun!"

Anna stared at the flyer for a while. She's going to say no. I know it! It was a stupid idea to ask her, anyway- 

"I'll think about it."

Her answer caught me totally off guard. "Wait, really?!"

She shrugged. "Maybe. If I'm not doing anything this weekend, I may do it," she said. "But no promises, though."

I smiled widely and nodded. "That's all I needed to hear!"


I FINALLY had time to write! I will hopefully be able to post stories more regularly now that I actually have time for myself. Speaking of which, I wanted to try something new. I'm going to try posting stories on a schedule and see how I like it. So, the next chapter will be posted next Sunday, November 12th. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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