The Way Music Can Change You

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"You actually did a really good job, today," Anna complimented me as we packed up our stuff.

I glaced at her in disbelief. "Woooow. The Ice Queen is actually giving me a compliment!" I exclaimed. "Is there a special occasion?"

She glared at me. I stuck my tongue out and smirked. She quickly looked away, but I could see the small formation of a smile on her lips. Success.

"Well, see you tomorrow, I guess." And just like that, she shut me out and left before I could say goodbye.

I shook my head. "Oh, well... What should I even expect from her? Hmm?" I looked down and saw that she dropped a paper on her way out. I picked it up and was immediately overwhelmed. It was full of a bunch of random dots and markings I didn't understand. This makes absolutely no sense... Ah! I need to give it back to Anna! I rushed out of the classroom and sighed in relief when I saw her.

"Anna! You dropped this!" I handed her the paper.

She glanced at it and her face went bright red. "Oh! Er, thanks!" She snatched it back and stuffed it in her bag. "Bye." She was off again.

"Hey, wait!" I tried calling after her, but like usual, she ignored me. I shook my head and began to walk through the hallways. "...I will never understand that girl..."


"Dude, you're blowing it with Katie!"

"So? I never said that I wanted to be with her in the first place!"

Vaike smacked me upside the head with a piece of cardboard. "Katie Grenon is so freaking into you and you don't even care!!!" he shouted. "I hate you so much!"

I rubbed my head and turned away from him. "Why? I don't see what's the big deal!" I began to unscrew a bolt on a giant wooden cutout of a tree. The school board asked some students to help take down the homecoming decorations after school; and I, of course, agreed to help. The theme was "Fantasy" so there are a lot of cardboard trees to take down.

Homecoming experience...

I stayed with my friends for most of it, but Katie would not leave my side. The whole night was full of nothing but Katie posing for pictures with me and trying to get me to dance with her. I went along with it because I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but it got really annoying. I eventually danced with her towards the end of the night, but it didn't feel right for some reason. It also didn't really help that I saw Anna multiple times. 

What was SHE doing at homecoming?! She doesn't seem like the type to go to fancy dances or parties... She's so strange... I mean...she looked so...not Anna... While the whole room was full of fancy and sparkly dresses, Anna wore a modest blue dress. It was plain, but it looked very nice on her. Wait, what? My mind needs to stop doing this thing. Stop thinking about her! Stop it!

"Chrom!" Vaike hit me again. "Are you even listening?!"

I glared at him. "Yeah, sure! What were you saying?" I groaned.

"I said, any guy in our grade would do anything just to get Katie to talk to us!" he said. "She's good-looking, she's popular, she's really smart, and she's just the whole package! What's wrong with you, dude?!"

I rolled my eyes and dismantled the tree-prop. "She's just not my type." I shrugged. "Plus, I'm not really looking to date someone, right now." I looked back to Vaike and saw that he was pretending to be asleep. "Dude!"

He "woke up" and snorted. "I can't believe you."


We continued to tear down the decorations for a couple hours.

I checked my watch and gasped as I saw the time. "Gah! I need to go!" I groaned. "Sorry, Vaike!"

He dismissed me with the wave of his hand. "No worries. Go on ahead; we'll wrap up, here."

I nodded my thanks and ran out of the gym.

I should take the shortcut to the exit... I'll just need to go by the practice rooms. As I was passing the practice rooms, I heard someone playing the piano.

It's so beautiful... Who is that? They're amazing! I walked closer to the sound of the piano; smiling as the music reached into my soul. I leaned against the wall in utter bliss as I felt the gentle vibrations of the piano hit the wall. It sounds so amazing... I'm definitely not the type of person to listen to classical music, or instrumental for that matter, but whoever this was...they were making me see a whole new side to music.

Just then, whoever was playing decided to change the music. Hey... I recognize this song! It's that song by Panic! At The Disco! What was it again... This Is Gospel? I think? Maybe if I listen for a little bit longer-

"'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars... The fear of falling apart. Truth be told, I never was yours. The fear of falling apart..."

I was speechless. Who... The voice definitely belonged to a girl and it sounded so damn familiar. It was beautiful, just like the playing. I could sit here for hours... I listened to her sing for a little while longer, and then the song ended. There was a long period of silence, and I was afraid that she was done. But, she started playing and singing another song.

Who is this...?

My curiosity got the better of me, and I peaked around the corner.

The person at the piano made my heart stop for a second and I whirled back to face forward.

Anna. It was Anna.

My face turned beat red. It was her?!?!? But-how?!?! She doesn't seem like the musician type!!!!! I shook my head and took a breath. I...I need to get out of here... I gathered my stuff and exited the building as fast as I could.

This girl is full of nothing but surprises... Well, she sounded amazing. Maybe it's best if I kept this to myself for now. She'd be really mad if she knew that I knew about this... Oh, well. It was nice while it lasted.


Shout out to Panic! At The Disco XD. It's pretty late and I'm gonna wrap this up. Chrom isn't the best at listening to his feelings. Oh well. He's trying. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Once Upon a December: Anastasia Original Broadway Cast Recording

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