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No one participated in the Q&A. I'll have to ask myself questions. XD

What was your favorite chapter to write?
Probably You are Not Alone. The idea for it was stuck in my head since before I even started writing HSY. I was excited to finally write Chrom and Anna stuff, and have an Anna POV.

What was your least favorite chapter to write?
Oof. I love all of my chapters. However, I would have to say I Love You Too Much to Let go. I loved writing it, but it was super hard to get through it because of the contents of it, the earlier themes, and the fact that I was going through a super rough time when I was writing it. That being said, it is one of my favorites and I could never hate it.

Why did I make Anna hate Chrom?
Simply put, I thought that it would make for an interesting plot. It also helped me create the climax. In the first drafts, they were friends and Anna was just really shy. However, I thought of the idea of her hating him at first and then they grow to like each other. I live for angst and pain.

Katie. Why?
Every single high school drama needs a Katie. Originally, Katie was going to become Chrom's girlfriend, but I decided against it because it didn't really fit. Will we ever see her again? Who knows...

Where are some of the other characters like Virion and Lon'qu?
You'll see them soon enough. ;)

What was the hardest part of writing HSY?
Time. For the love of God, prepare yourself if you want to do something like this. Time management is key. I know I'm more of a "write and publish as you go" person, but I'm trying to change that. HSY is more of a write and publish as you go series because I'm using some of my experiences as inspiration. However, when you have three other works going on along with school, it can get a bit chaotic. So, manage your time and things will be a lot easier.

What made you want to write HSY?
I was always fond of the idea of a high school AU. I thought that it would be a good followup to Parallel World (no, the worlds are not connected. This is not a prequel to PW). If I'm being honest, I think PW is one of my worst works. I'm not too proud of it. But, I hoped that I could redeem myself with this. And honestly, I think I did. Anyway, the idea brewed in my head for a long time and I eventually decided that I needed it to come to life.

What's next?

Well, as you may already know, HSY is coming back next fall for sophomore year. I'm really excited to start working on it!

Summer is over and the new school year has begun! Now sophomores, Chrom and Anna have many more challenges to face. More friends will be met and secrets will be revealed! Chrom desires to figure out what his place in life will be. Anna has to fight through a darkness that she thought she was rid of years ago. What will happen this year? Find out in Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Sophomore Year!

Once again, I cannot thank you enough for reading. It means the world to me. I never expected to get so much positive feedback for this. I'm so glad that everyone enjoyed this. Thank you. I cannot express how grateful I am in words. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to the future.

<3 Anna

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now