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"Yo! Chrom! Congrats!" Vaike slapped me on the shoulder.

I winced and looked back at him. "Umm...for what?"

"For asking Katie out!"

My heart stopped. "I did...what now?" Since when did I ask her out?!?!

Vaike smirked. "The whole school is talking about it!" he chuckled. "You asked Katie to the dance, right?"

I frantically shook my head. "No! No, I didn't!"

"Suuure... You're not convincing anyone!" He laughed as he sauntered off. "I'll see ya later, buddy!"

"Wait, Vaike! We're not-annnd he's gone..." I sighed, my cheeks flushing red. Do people really think Katie and I are dating?


"Well lookie here!" Sully punched me playfully. "Chrom mustered up the courage and asked his girl to the dance!"

"I do not have a girlfriend, and I did not ask her to the dance!" I fumed. "Why do people think that?!"

Sully raised an eyebrow. "You two aren't dating? That's a shock!" She let out a breath.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Where have you heard these rumors?"

"Gaius told me that he overheard a bunch of people talking about it."

"So...the whole school knows?"

"Pretty much!"

"Oh, gods!" I buried my face in my hands. "This is a mess..."

Sully patted my shoulder. "Well, have fun with that!"


"Chrom? Are the rumors true?" Cordelia and Sumia caught up with me in the hallway.

Sumia and Cordelia are two peas in a pod. You couldn't separate them no matter how hard you tried. I've known both of them for a really long time, but they've basically known each other since diapers! They wear their uniforms in the exact same fashion, and they have matching feather hair clips. I've never seen a tighter pair of friends.

I sighed and looked at the two girls. "No. I'm not dating Katie," I said. "And I did not ask her to the dance." I swore that I could have seen them both release a relieved breath.

"I see!" Sumia blinked. "But, why are people saying that you are?"

I shrugged. "I'm not really sure..." I shook my head. "I'm going to sort things out with her after school. I'll hopefully be able to clear up some things."

"Well, as long as you're happy!" Cordelia smiled. "How many people asked you this, today!"

"TOO MANY!" I groaned, attracting the attention of a few bystanders.

"You know, I'm really surprised that everyone thinks that you're dating!" Cordelia laughed. "Actually, a lot of people in our Foods class started to ship you with that Anna girl!"

I stopped dead in my tracks. "...Excuse me?"

"Yeah! I keep hearing about that!" Sumia pipped in.

My face flushed a deep red. "Why?!"

"Because you act like an old married couple, that's why!" Cordelia giggled.

I looked down and began to pick up my pace. "I...I need to go!" I quickly dashed to my next class.

Why in Naga's name would people ever think that I would date HER?!


"Katie!" I stopped the brunette as she exited the building.

She whipped back to me. "Hey, Chrom! How are you?"

I frowned. "Do you have anything to do with these rumors?" I demanded.

She smiled innocently. "What rumors?"

"That we're dating!"

"Oh! Those!" She sashayed over to me. "What about them?"

I can't believe this girl right now. "Katie, do you have any idea how many people asked me about us today?!"

Katie held up her hand in defense. "Hey, I'm dealing with the exact same thing, Chrom!" she complained.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Well, what do we do about this, then?"

"I say we make the rumor true."

I turned as red as a tomato. "What?!"

Katie crossed her arms. "Think about it: if we actually are dating, we wouldn't have to deal with having to explain ourselves to people! Plus," she took my arm, "I just so happen to really like you. And, we'll easily become the cutest couple ever! It's a perfect plan!"

My heart was pounding. I could hardly process what was going on. Date?! Oh, gods... I mean, she's talked about this before and I STILL haven't given it much thought.

...Maybe it's the best choice.

I mean, I've barely given her a chance, and I'm getting tired of explaining this to others.

But at the same time: I'm not ready for a girlfriend! I don't know Katie too well, and I'm not ready to jump into a relationship with her.

...I need more time.

"...Alright, Katie, we can go to the dance together, but I don't think we should officially date, yet. I want to get to know you just a little bit more before we take our relationship to the next level."

"Well, I'll take it!" Katie caught me off guard by hugging my neck. "I guess I can wait a little bit longer. I'm glad that you decided to go with me, though."

This felt wrong. I don't like this. But...what else can I do?

"Y-yeah, I'm glad I made this decision, too..."

She pulled away and put her hands on her hips. "Alright. First plan of action: what are we gonna wear to the Winter Dance?" She flicked a lock of her brown hair. "We need to match! I'm going to wear a gold dress with a blue bow, got it? I think a blue dress shirt and golden tie will do the trick, got it?"

My head hurt. "Um, don't you think a gold tie is too much?"

"It will look good!" She stomped her foot.

"Katie, I'm not really sure..." I shook my head. "Look, I have a dark blue tie I can wear. Is that alright?"

Katie gave me an annoyed look. "...Fine, whatever." She composed herself and plastered on a smile. "I'm so happy that we're going together, Chrom!"

I smiled back. "Y-yeah, me too," I said.

She hugged my neck once more and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later, future boyfriend!" She winked and skipped away.

I watched as she vanished. "...What have I gotten myself into...?"


If you thought that this was bad: you should have seen the original draft for this. Let's just say that it would have made many of you want to murder me XD. Anyways, if you don't already know, here's my new update schedule: High School Years Sunday, Before Awakening Tuesday, Anna Explains Mythology Thursday. I now have three series' plus A Starlit Holiday to worry about to it's about time that I got myself on a schedule! Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Kindergarten Boyfriend: Heathers Soundtrack

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now